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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Me and few of the boys were having a bit of banter outside and he comes along with his burd and makes a pishy dig at me. So i reply with "least it never took me 3 weeks to stick one up my burd" (she was waiting for the correct time to have sex with him so she wouldnt get used)


I was expecting worse if I be honest having seen some of your straight to the point posting.

Dinnae feel too bad about it.

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I just witnessed a bad car crash on the way home from work. Happened about 100 metres in front of me!

I was just driving along as normal looking at the car lights in front of me when all of a sudden this Corsa weaved left and then fish-tailed right and smashed into the central reserve, turned around on impact to face back on to the road and seemed to drive forward and took out a 4x4.

I had to break quite sharply and pull up on to the verge on the side of the road with the hazzard lights on to alert other drivers.

Some idiots still flew past and over all the debris at 70+mph though and I'm surprised that it didn't end up more than two cars that were written off.

I saw that the folk in the cars were Ok and then got out of the way to call the police.

Scary stuff like, I cant believe that the two folk walked away from it and it certainly was another eye opener for me about the potential consequences of dangerous driving.

Ooft, I hate when things like that happen. I saw an accident quite recently and one of the drivers was in a pretty bad way and it really makes you stop and think.

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The Rangers ticket hotline :angry:

What use is it saying "Thank you for holding" only to cut you off two seconds later saying "I'm sorry, all our operators are busy, please try again later"?? Of course they're all busy, that's why I was on hold in the first place you automated p***k! :angry:

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Guest The Phoenix
Andy last night, you this morning. What the hell has gotten into you lot? :unsure:

Cancel my request. I don't mind sharing you with Adam but Andy as well...................

what kind of fellow do you take me for?

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Guest The Phoenix
I thought it was Adam you were interested in, to be honest. I felt like a pawn in your game. :(

I think Adam has enough on his plate making a fist of things with you.

You'll never be a pawn in my eyes - surely you are fitting to be a Queen? :unsure:

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