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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I hate you two....I couldnt think of a bloody elephant related pun all night, and I did think hard about it!

Did you go out then?

I thought you'd have been back on mentioning peanuts or mice or something......

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Guest The Phoenix

Update on Elephants..............


African as well as Asiatic males will engage in same-sex bonding and mounting. Such encounters are often associated with affectionate interactions, such as kissing, trunk intertwining, and placing trunks in each other's mouths. The encounters are analogous to heterosexual bouts, one male often extending his trunk along the other's back and pushing forward with his tusks to signify his intention to mount. Unlike heterosexual relations, which are always of a fleeting nature, those between males result in a "companionship", consisting of an older individual and one or two younger, attendant males. Same-sex relations are common and frequent in both sexes, with Asiatic elephants in captivity devoting roughly 45% of sexual encounters to same-sex activity.

Well, you learn something new every day but I'm not sure I'd call one a poof to its face.

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This isn't one of my wacky japes, it's completely true!

He has wooden floors and I can hear them careering across them, whooping and cheering as they dance to the same tune for about four hours.


Whoever thought it was a good idea to have wooden floors instead of carpet on them needs to be shot. :angry: Nelly the elephant(Woman up stairs from us) came in at 1am pissed out of her head,had to be helped up the stairs by the taxi driver......I'm guessing here that she was taking her shoes off and launching them across her bedroom,then falling over in a heap,making as much noise as possable. :thumbsdown

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Nothing decent in the house for eating when the hangover munchies are setting in.

Sunday dinner will be top notch now...by that time I'll be ravenous!

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What about when you get up and go into a different room, then you suddenly have no idea why you went into that room, so you go back and sit down......and then remember why you went in the first place?


That one's worse when you run upstairs, get to the 12th step and realise you have no idea what you've gone up for, stand there for a minute, fail to remember then go back downstairs. As you walk through the door to the living room you remember, but have forgotten again by the time you get halfway back up. Bloody addled brain! :(

Adam then kept saying "Right y'are, my love" in the most ridiculous South-Western accent I have ever heard, and then saying "Ha, that's what you sound like". Cheeky fucker. :angry:


My petty nag - I'm a wee bit fed up just now. :( There's plenty here that I *should* be doing, but I've had such a shocking weekend that I've lost all motivation. My kids will be home in a couple of hours and I can't wait for some fab cuddles!

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My petty nag - I'm a wee bit fed up just now. :( There's plenty here that I *should* be doing, but I've had such a shocking weekend that I've lost all motivation. My kids will be home in a couple of hours and I can't wait for some fab cuddles!

You might laugh, but since the football, he's been giving it "Baaansley" all afternoon. If I can sound like I'm from Gloucester... :P

I'm the same as you, though, I've been bloody miserable since yesterday. I'm such a grumpy arse cow. I also managed to get a blister on my finger and burst in within the space of a couple of minutes today, due to having a paintbrush in my hand all sodding day. At least it's done and I don't have to go back again. Nice getting the extra cash, but bugger me, it's knackering.

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We decided to have fish suppers for tea tonight, because I forgot to take the chicken out the freezer yesterday. I've been looking forward to it all day and it was bloody horrible. The chips were rank and the fish was really dry. I couldn't eat it, it was so bad. Ryan's been sent back to the chippy to complain. :(

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We decided to have fish suppers for tea tonight, because I forgot to take the chicken out the freezer yesterday. I've been looking forward to it all day and it was bloody horrible. The chips were rank and the fish was really dry. I couldn't eat it, it was so bad. Ryan's been sent back to the chippy to complain. :(

"Look, really sorry to bother you, but the missus sent me, and I daren't go back without fresh suppers. She'll kill me". :P

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I'd have done the same. The only difference is, I reckon I'd have been told "f**k aff and do it yourself! I went down there in the first place, ya lazy coo!"

He'd be right!

No normal bloke should have to cope with such a high maintenance wife as Reina.

Bad fish supper indeed. Harumph! :P

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I'd have done the same. The only difference is, I reckon I'd have been told "f**k aff and do it yourself! I went down there in the first place, ya lazy coo!"

My answer to that was that they wouldn't recognise me, so they wouldn't know the fish had been bought there. He's been away a while now, so he's either getting a fresh one, or he's been laughed out the place and has gone to the other chippy and wont tell me. :lol:

I feel kind of bad, but for the price of a supper now, I'm not eating crap.

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My answer to that was that they wouldn't recognise me, so they wouldn't know the fish had been bought there. He's been away a while now, so he's either getting a fresh one, or he's been laughed out the place and has gone to the other chippy and wont tell me. :lol:

I feel kind of bad, but for the price of a supper now, I'm not eating crap.

I don't blame you though, a fiver (or thereabouts) for your dinner, you want it to be edible!

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My answer to that was that they wouldn't recognise me, so they wouldn't know the fish had been bought there. He's been away a while now, so he's either getting a fresh one, or he's been laughed out the place and has gone to the other chippy and wont tell me. :lol:

I feel kind of bad, but for the price of a supper now, I'm not eating crap.

I used to deliver chinese meals and once had a guy phone up to complain that he found a pubic hair in his curry :huh: My mate who owned the takeaway just laughed and said bring it back and either you can have your money back or another meal,The guy said it was ok as he had taken it out and eaten the meal but he was just letting us know :lol::lol::lol:

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Exactly! Got a new one now though and it's lovely. Plus the guy gave him his money back too, so a free fish supper. :D

It pays to complain huh?

We British are rubbish at compaining though!

The kind of swill we sometimes get served that passes as food would have other countries destroying their towns in protest, but we just kind of go: 'Well, it wasn't very nice, maybe we just won't go out again this year...'

My mother was four feet eleven of thrawn consumer. If you served her a poor fish supper you'd have known about it. She wouldn't have sent my dad though, she'd have gone with him (so he could restrain her).

She once wrote such a stinging letter of complaint about a pack of Halls sausages she bought that were off that Halls sent us a huge luxury tray of meat cuts. It was just before Christmas in the days when we were really skint, so it was amazing eating sirloin steak for Christmas dinner. :lol:

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I once complained about the service we got in Pizza Hut - we went for that "all you can eat" thing, because we couldn't decide on one particular thing to have. What we weren't told is that it was only on for another 10 minutes, so by the time we'd had a slice of pizza each, that was it, no more. Plus, while we were up finding out that we weren't allowed anymore, they'd cleared our table - taken away our drinks, plates and cutlery, and left the bill in it's place while our coats were still draped over our seats. I complained, we got more pizza, free drinks refills and the manager took the bill away and said "You don't need to worry about this". I'm not really one to complain over the little things (ha!), but this really did annoy me. All in all, though, I was really pleased with how they dealt with it, so I'm glad I did.

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