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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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People who insist on sitting only millimetres from your back bumper. Some arsehole woman was sitting behind me literally no more than an inch away from my bumper. Was doing 55 in a 60 zone and was hardly going to slow her down, plus I had a police car in front of me so no way was I going to be overtaking it.

Yet this cow is still sitting right on my bumper and I could see in my mirror shes mouthing allsorts and waving arms about <_<

Fucking arsehole, hope she liked the sight of my brakelights :angry:

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I hate that. People that also say on MSN


err why be on msn.

No-one's ever said either of those things to me on MSN.

However, I did manage to wake a friend AND his three year old daughter a few weeks ago by Skyping them. His wife was showing as logged on and it turns out their computer is in the bedroom. Pair of numpties!

I appear offline or mark myself busy if I don't want contacting for a while, but my mother ignores those things and messages me anyway "just to see" if I'm there. That gets on my nerves. If I'm lurking offline it's for a reason - I don't WANT to be contacted! :blink:

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I appear offline or mark myself busy if I don't want contacting for a while, but my mother ignores those things and messages me anyway "just to see" if I'm there. That gets on my nerves. If I'm lurking offline it's for a reason - I don't WANT to be contacted! :blink:

I'd hate to have my mum on my MSN contacts, I'd block her instantly and tell her that I've stopped using it.

No offence likes, typical teenager ;):P

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I'd hate to have my mum on my MSN contacts, I'd block her instantly and tell her that I've stopped using it.

No offence likes, typical teenager ;):P

:lol: I can well imagine! Different for me though. It's handy being able to reply in my own time, unlike on the phone. And, when she doesn't unplug her webcam and then spend months insisting it's not working because my dad's broken it :huh:, it means the kids can speak to her without me having to referee over whose turn it is. It also means I can contact her very late at night/into the morning without worrying about waking her up. Plus if I'm going to bed early I can just message her telling her not to phone as she'll wake me :D .

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:lol: I can well imagine! Different for me though. It's handy being able to reply in my own time, unlike on the phone. And, when she doesn't unplug her webcam and then spend months insisting it's not working because my dad's broken it :huh:, it means the kids can speak to her without me having to referee over whose turn it is. It also means I can contact her very late at night/into the morning without worrying about waking her up. Plus if I'm going to bed early I can just message her telling her not to phone as she'll wake me :D .

Yep, very good way of communication!

It truely us a family thing ;):lol:

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Dark chocolate is the worst thing on the face of this earth. It's far to bitter.

Mon the milk and white chocolate!

Here here!

My nag today - sitting watching the top 5 scottish bands on mtv two - how the hell are the view number 3?! :lol:

Ok admittedly I missed who was at 4 + 5 but it still annoyed me :lol:

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Fucked my jaw playing football :(

Boy came in sliding in on me from the front, and I jumped and landed on the back of his head, jaw getting a smack. Bit right into both sides of my tongue, which starting pissing blood (now has bizarre white ulsers on it) and my jaw cracked. It's really quite painful, can still eat (very sore though) and it doesn't feel right at all the way its sitting.

Hmmmm :(

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Fucked my jaw playing football :(

Boy came in sliding in on me from the front, and I jumped and landed on the back of his head, jaw getting a smack. Bit right into both sides of my tongue, which starting pissing blood (now has bizarre white ulsers on it) and my jaw cracked. It's really quite painful, can still eat (very sore though) and it doesn't feel right at all the way its sitting.

Hmmmm :(

Bloody diver :P

That sounds like a sore one! Hope it doesnt hurt for too long!

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Fucked my jaw playing football :(

Boy came in sliding in on me from the front, and I jumped and landed on the back of his head, jaw getting a smack. Bit right into both sides of my tongue, which starting pissing blood (now has bizarre white ulsers on it) and my jaw cracked. It's really quite painful, can still eat (very sore though) and it doesn't feel right at all the way its sitting.

Hmmmm :(

Should've been wearing your Quidditch helmet, silly.

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