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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Pissing with an erection.

You want to hear what's worse?

I was circumcised a couple of years back, it should have happened as a nipper, but didn't. Anyhoo, the final thing the nurse told me was not to get 'excited' for about 4 weeks, as getting an erection would put strain on the stitches, and would be sore. Nurses are all lying bitches when it comes to the 'it won't hurt' phrase btw.

All very well, but what happens at 5am every morning?

So first day home after day surgery, off to bed. Woke up at 5, in screaming agony with the morning glory, blood pishing out of the top of it. Hobbled off to the bathroom, trying not to drip blood over the new carpet in mum's house. I got to the bathroom trying to play the clarinet with it to stop the blood from the stitches, screaming like a wee lassie, Mum's battering on the door saying 'is everything ok?'...

'OF COURSE EVERYTHING IS NOT FUCKING OK, I"M DYING HERE' was the reply. Dad came out, pissed himself laughing, my wee foster brother was killing himself as well, I'm suprised they never invited the neighbours in to piss themselves laughing.

Not one of my finer moments...

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You want to hear what's worse?

I was circumcised a couple of years back, it should have happened as a nipper, but didn't. Anyhoo, the final thing the nurse told me was not to get 'excited' for about 4 weeks, as getting an erection would put strain on the stitches, and would be sore. Nurses are all lying bitches when it comes to the 'it won't hurt' phrase btw.

All very well, but what happens at 5am every morning?

So first day home after day surgery, off to bed. Woke up at 5, in screaming agony with the morning glory, blood pishing out of the top of it. Hobbled off to the bathroom, trying not to drip blood over the new carpet in mum's house. I got to the bathroom trying to play the clarinet with it to stop the blood from the stitches, screaming like a wee lassie, Mum's battering on the door saying 'is everything ok?'...

'OF COURSE EVERYTHING IS NOT FUCKING OK, I"M DYING HERE' was the reply. Dad came out, pissed himself laughing, my wee foster brother was killing himself as well, I'm suprised they never invited the neighbours in to piss themselves laughing.

Not one of my finer moments...

In a rare moment of EF/RR camaraderie - I know exactly how you felt :(

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was with my first serious gf at the time (was 18 at the time) trying not to get excited for 4 weeks was fucking agony :lol:

18? Ouch! I used to get an erection when the wind blew the right way at that age, and provided the girl didn't have a beard like an American Civil War general, I would have nailed it. Must have been hell...

I feel your pain :lol:

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18? Ouch! I used to get an erection when the wind blew the right way at that age, and provided the girl didn't have a beard like an American Civil War general, I would have nailed it. Must have been hell...

I feel your pain :lol:

Oh, eventually I relented and after 14 days I (very gently) got my end away :lol:

Edited by renton
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Guys who 'text' girls. I don't just mean sending a text to a girl but this whole process of text flirting which seems to have replaced actually going out on a date. They tend not to have the bottle to actually say these flirtacious things face to face, but feel proper ace making dirty remarks via text.


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I am in serious trouble at work and I'm not too sure what to do about it.

For a while, my line manager and I have not seen eye to eye. In fact, I am thinking about making a formal complaint about her for harrasment. She is constantly on my case about everything, wanting to know about my personal life etc... and I'm getting really pissed off. She is also a bit rotund, which has nothing to do with it.

Anyhoo, we were having a "disagreement" tonight about something, and I was getting really pissed off by being talked down to.

This is the situation -

Adam - "Debbie, could you come here for a minute, I'm needing a bit of guidance."

Debbie - "Can't you see I'm fucking busy here, Adam? Ask someone else!"

Bear in mind that this is about 5.30pm and most people have went home by now.

Adam - "Who else, there is noone else to ask. Can you not just come here for a minute, you are my fucking line manager afterall!"

Debbie - "Listen Adam, I'm trying to go over a very serious decision in my head, leave it till tomorrow!"

Adam - "What's the serious decision, deciding wether to have chips and cheese, or chips and donner meat?!"

I'm toying over the idea of phoning her to apologise (I have her mobile number) but I don't know if that is the best idea. I really do fear for my job as she has really hated me since day one.

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I think you should ask to speak to her in private, apologise, but make it clear that you were upset that she wouldn't come over for a second to help you out with something and she is supposed to be your line manager, which means she's supposed to support you. Maybe write down what you want to say so that you don't forget anything.

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