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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Guest The Phoenix
I've ummed and ahhed about posting this here. It seems strange to me when people post very personal circumstances on a forum consisting mostly of strangers! Still, it's not really personal info and it's doing my head in so sack it, here you go...

My ex! He's a great big bully and he's currently wearing me down and being as awkward as possible because he can't have his own way and make me cancel my holiday to suit him. He's cancelled his own holiday with the children because work "need" him that week and so now I'm expected to be here to pick up the pieces and have the children. I hadn't booked that trip before he said the children wouldn't be here, for goodness' sake! They're his pieces and I hope he chokes on them. :angry

He has no idea why I didn't want to live with him any more! :unsure: Imagine! <_<

Thanks to the latest episodes I now have a migraine (yes, I know I shouldn't be on the laptop again but I need the company), my stomach's upset and I feel extremely nauseous. :(

I guess it is kinda personal HGG but I suspect you feel a whole lot better having posted it!

I'm not in your position so I can't begin to imagine how bad things really are but I do know that if I had three of the cutest kids on earth, like you have, I'd probably manage to keep smiling despite the shit going on around about me.

Chin up. :D

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I guess it is kinda personal HGG but I suspect you feel a whole lot better having posted it!

I'm not in your position so I can't begin to imagine how bad things really are but I do know that if I had three of the cutest kids on earth, like you have, I'd probably manage to keep smiling despite the shit going on around about me.

Chin up. :D

Thank you! They've been little anels all day today too. We had a pyjama day, which they love, and they enjoyed the garden today too :). Sam came over and asked Scott (who was on my knee at the time) and I each for a cuddle and just as he did Elise piped up from the other sofa with "Mummy, I love you". :wub:

It's ridiculous that posting it should make me feel better, but a problem shared and all that. I might delete it yet when I'm feeling better. :lol:

Dunc, if only it wouldn't affect my kids! But then I wouldn't have to have anything to do with him any more. It will come back and bite him at some point, I'm sure.

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Guest The Phoenix
Thank you! They've been little anels all day today too. We had a pyjama day, which they love, and they enjoyed the garden today too :). Sam came over and asked Scott (who was on my knee at the time) and I each for a cuddle and just as he did Elise piped up from the other sofa with "Mummy, I love you". :wub:

It's ridiculous that posting it should make me feel better, but a problem shared and all that. I might delete it yet when I'm feeling better. :lol:

Dunc, if only it wouldn't affect my kids! But then I wouldn't have to have anything to do with him any more. It will come back and bite him at some point, I'm sure.

Dinner back on? :unsure::lol:;)

Let me know if you decide to delete - I'll need to do the same!!

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Thank you! They've been little anels all day today too. We had a pyjama day, which they love, and they enjoyed the garden today too :). Sam came over and asked Scott (who was on my knee at the time) and I each for a cuddle and just as he did Elise piped up from the other sofa with "Mummy, I love you". :wub:

It's ridiculous that posting it should make me feel better, but a problem shared and all that. I might delete it yet when I'm feeling better. :lol:

Dunc, if only it wouldn't affect my kids! But then I wouldn't have to have anything to do with him any more. It will come back and bite him at some point, I'm sure.

I know what you are going through HGG,My wifes ex partner is a dick when it comes to his daughter.He was supposed to pick her up tonight but suprise suprise he was busy at work for the 2nd week in a row.

The best one he has came away with was that his daughter can't come to his work anymore(He is a chef in his mums resturant)as he doesn't have a license for children :huh:

What resturant doesn't have license to have children????

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I think someone's angling for a P&B mob to be formed...

:lol: Now there's an idea.

Ex partners intimidated 50

Ex Partners given a bit of a pasting - 100

Annoying neighbours lawns sprayed with acid - 50 plus materials

Robert Mugabe done in - 250

Seriously though head up HGG - maybe an opportunity for you to put oyut a message to him here as you appear to have the upper hand.

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Dinner back on? :unsure::lol:;)

Let me know if you decide to delete - I'll need to do the same!!

Thanks, I will. I'd also have to let Keith know. :lol:

You'd be welcome to come over if you had the time. You could meet the munchkins. I don't promise they'll let you out alive. :lol:

I know what you are going through HGG,My wifes ex partner is a dick when it comes to his daughter.He was supposed to pick her up tonight but suprise suprise he was busy at work for the 2nd week in a row.

People's lives move on and they conflict, but there are lines which wouldn't be crossed in any other situation which for some reason become blurred with ex partners.

Ex partners intimidated 50

Ex Partners given a bit of a pasting - 100

Annoying neighbours lawns sprayed with acid - 50 plus materials

Robert Mugabe done in - 250


Seriously though head up HGG - maybe an opportunity for you to put oyut a message to him here as you appear to have the upper hand.

Cheers GC. I've made my point and stood my ground on it. I've got support around me too, so I'm not entirely alone with it. :)

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Aye, as the others have said, heads up HGG, your anonymous and slightly creepy internet friends are here for you!

So it would seem. :D Cheers guys. It's nice to have the extra support.

Can we use pitchforks and torches?

Aye, but remember they don't work with ogres! :lol:

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I'm away to subject myself to some emphatic losses on Pro evo network whilst being told through the in-game messaging that my Mum does allsorts with total strangers.

I shall admit to partaking in a spot of that kind of behaviour when I've been at my mates playing pro Evo!

Some guy told me he was a Dunfermline fan once - oh, the fun and games I had! :P

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I've ummed and ahhed about posting this here. It seems strange to me when people post very personal circumstances on a forum consisting mostly of strangers! Still, it's not really personal info and it's doing my head in so sack it, here you go...

My ex! He's a great big bully and he's currently wearing me down and being as awkward as possible because he can't have his own way and make me cancel my holiday to suit him. He's cancelled his own holiday with the children because work "need" him that week and so now I'm expected to be here to pick up the pieces and have the children. I hadn't booked that trip before he said the children wouldn't be here, for goodness' sake! They're his pieces and I hope he chokes on them. :angry

He has no idea why I didn't want to live with him any more! :unsure: Imagine! <_<

Thanks to the latest episodes I now have a migraine (yes, I know I shouldn't be on the laptop again but I need the company), my stomach's upset and I feel extremely nauseous. :(

that is pure annoying. does he not realise he's fucking up his children?

as a kid from a divorced couple i was very fortunate that my dad always kept his sundays aside for us(he could only get sunday off i believe due to being a cop). Every sunday he was there for me and my brother and im grateful for that. When we got older 13+ he saw us 2 days a week and never let us down(unless he gave us notice that he couldnt make it) when i read about what other kids go through, i feel so fortunate

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Nope....made that mistake before. Turned out to be a complete lie and never saw the guy again.... <_<

Jack didn't get that raw a deal when you think about it. When the giant died he could have sold the massive body for research purposes and made a killing.

Think of all the cows he could have bought his maw then!

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