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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I find the names are a good giveaway ;)

I can normally tell who has posted by simply galncing at their avatar.

You guys have now caused me to up my efforts to tell posters apart. Damn each and every single one of you :angry:


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I can normally tell who has posted by simply galncing at their avatar.

You guys have now caused me to up my efforts to tell posters apart. Damn each and every single one of you :angry:


How dare we force you to make some effort :P

Btw you can blame me and Pollymac for starting this :ph34r:

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I can normally tell who has posted by simply galncing at their avatar.

You guys have now caused me to up my efforts to tell posters apart. Damn each and every single one of you :angry:

I wouldn't worry. The novelty will wear off soon and we'll all go our separate ways again. I liked my old sig too much to stay like this!

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How dare we force you to make some effort :P

Btw you can blame me and Pollymac for starting this :ph34r:

Indeed, how shocking!

It certainly seems to have cottoned on well though.

Come on join in you know you want to ;)

I'll sleep on it ;)

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I've received bad omens from my brother who was a training manager.

Compulsory saturday days too. :(:(

I asked to get my 1 in 4 Saturday changed to a Sunday so I didn't miss the last twenty minutes of home games or miss out altogether on away days and the company agreed.

It's worth asking about.

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Absolutly furious due to sum1 leaving our flat and the uni putting some bint in instead who we don't know and nobody telling us :angry::angry::angry:

Ah yes, the randoms! We had a random for 2 years, however, our flat was evidently full of wankers, because they kept leaving. We crushed their spirits! :D

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Absolutly furious due to sum1 leaving our flat and the uni putting some bint in instead who we don't know and nobody telling us :angry::angry::angry:

By god, the education system must be in some state if that post is a sample of the sort of person they let into university. I hope you're not doing English Language.

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