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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Guest The Phoenix
just put my shoulder out....
Did you shake it all about?

Don't be stupid, xbl, it's on the doorstep with his milk bottles. :rolleyes:

Oh, BTW, my PTTGYON - waking up at this unearthly hour because someone forgot to switch off the central heating. :angry:

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Guest The Phoenix
I couldn't sleep either, was up til about half 2 listening to Radio 1. Woke at 4, 5, 6 then finally got up at half 7.

I'm gonna be absolutely fucked today.

RTBC? :unsure:

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not so much a PTTGOYN, more a thing that has left me devstated. Mum just called to say the vet is on the way to put my wee boy to sleep. I rescued him from the vet over 10 years ago, he didn't have any fur on his back and he was one of the worst cruelty cases I had seen. Within a few months, he was back to full health and running about like any other daft spaniel would.

He was constant companion till I moved here, he even went to work with me and everything, leaving him was the hardest thing I have done as he just didn't understand why I left.

The thing that is killing me is not the fact he's 'to go to the bridge', it's the fact that I can't show him the kindest act of love I can do for him, it's my Mum that's doing it and it's my responsibility. I thought he had a few years left and would join me out here...

So if you have a dog, please do me a favour, and go give him or her a cuddle and tell them that you love them.

Big enough to say I'm away to cry myself to sleep.

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not so much a PTTGOYN, more a thing that has left me devstated. Mum just called to say the vet is on the way to put my wee boy to sleep. I rescued him from the vet over 10 years ago, he didn't have any fur on his back and he was one of the worst cruelty cases I had seen. Within a few months, he was back to full health and running about like any other daft spaniel would.

He was constant companion till I moved here, he even went to work with me and everything, leaving him was the hardest thing I have done as he just didn't understand why I left.

The thing that is killing me is not the fact he's 'to go to the bridge', it's the fact that I can't show him the kindest act of love I can do for him, it's my Mum that's doing it and it's my responsibility. I thought he had a few years left and would join me out here...

So if you have a dog, please do me a favour, and go give him or her a cuddle and tell them that you love them.

Big enough to say I'm away to cry myself to sleep.

Alfie and Amy will get a big hug from me and they send you licks.

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ta rowan, I know it's just a daft internet site, but at this time, it does mean a lot. Mum's up on springthing bawling her eyes out as well.

They become such integral members of the family. I'd be lost without my two and we've had dogs all the while when I was growing up. I was worried about how they would react to the baby but they love him and look concerned when he cries.

Take care :)

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The fact that I'm feeling ghastly thanks to the common cold, coupled with the inclement weather, means I've decided to throw in the towel and miss the football today. I was going to make a concerted effort to go to every Saturday game this season, having missed one trip to Stranraer last year for the same reason, but have now failed at a pathetically early stage.

I feel weak and rubbish and have forfeited the right to call myself a man.

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The weather! My bedroom window is leaking - easy sorted out with some silicone sealant but need to wait till its dry to do that.

Worst thing is in the other bedroom, water is pishing down the wall at a rather alarming rate soaking the carpet and ruining the walls and carpet. Anyone know if the insurance company will stump up to sort this out?

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Guest The Phoenix
The weather! My bedroom window is leaking - easy sorted out with some silicone sealant but need to wait till its dry to do that.

Worst thing is in the other bedroom, water is pishing down the wall at a rather alarming rate soaking the carpet and ruining the walls and carpet. Anyone know if the insurance company will stump up to sort this out?

Almost certainly - provided they haven't gone bust! ;)

You will probably have an excess amount to pay - check your policy.

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Almost certainly - provided they haven't gone bust! ;)

You will probably have an excess amount to pay - check your policy.

Policy was rather confusing, can't quite work out exactly whats covered. But there is a bit about excesses, so if they will cover it I'll pay either £25 or £100 excess.

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Because I spent SO much money on drink and strippers in Prague last week (strippers don't give receipts, so can't be claimed against expenses [hello taxpayers!]), the next few months are going to be obscenely quiet and dull. I'm just glad my bankcard refused to give me any more money when it did, else christ knows what could have happened.

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Guest The Phoenix
Because I spent SO much money on drink and strippers in Prague last week (strippers don't give receipts, so can't be claimed against expenses [hello taxpayers!]), the next few months are going to be obscenely quiet and dull. I'm just glad my bankcard refused to give me any more money when it did, else christ knows what could have happened.

Strippers!!?? :o:lol:

You do realise Hootie is going to have a field day with that revelation? :unsure:

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Strippers!!?? :o:lol:

You do realise Hootie is going to have a field day with that revelation? :unsure:

Nah, she's too busy getting self righteous and moralistic about kilt to worry about me!

But yeah, I've never been in one of those places before, I always imagined them to be a bit seedy and awkward, but I was basically dragged into one, and oh man! Good times! :D

It was shortly after leaving one of these places of entertainment that I got mugged and then nearly kidnapped. Theres a moral in there somewhere... :P

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