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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I got my hair cut today. Its really annoying because it was out of control so I got a little bit more cut off than usual. Unfortunately, after a shower and conditioning, it has become a dead ringer for her majesty the Queens hair. Bugger. :(

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Traditionally my work is busy through December with everyone panic buying 2 months worth of stuff because we're shut for 2 days then it's quiet between Christmas and new year when we are down to a skeleton staff. However this year we were dead all December and i went in today it was busy as f**k and I'm going into more tomorrow. Really knackered now and pissed off at the thought of going into it again.

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people who drive in the dark with just their sidelights on. see it all the time....utter madness

I lose count each morning of people who are either driving with side lights on or worse - no lights.

I can't decide whether to go to a night out tomorrow night 1 minute away from my work. If I do go, I'll be working til 5/5.30, coming home, getting changed to then head back out towards work to then head home afterwards then back out again on Wednesday morning.

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I lose count each morning of people who are either driving with side lights on or worse - no lights.

I can't decide whether to go to a night out tomorrow night 1 minute away from my work. If I do go, I'll be working til 5/5.30, coming home, getting changed to then head back out towards work to then head home afterwards then back out again on Wednesday morning.

if you have showering facilities, you could take a change of clothes, go for your night out, then kip in the work. problem solved! you could even have a lie in, as you wouldn't need to travel! :D

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people who drive in the dark with just their sidelights on. see it all the time....utter madness

Aye that really annoys me aswell. Busses and 4x4s seem to be the worst for it. What also really annoys me is folk who drive round with their fog lights on in the dark. They are for use in fog, not clear nights and they aren't there to make the car look good.

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Any number of things.

Firstly, having a shit night out where I realised that I was too drunk ro continue.

Secondly, getting insulted by some guy because I am a portly chap. Sure, I challanged gim, picked him up and threw him a bit, but because I was drunk, I couldn't land the killer blow. I threw the c**t about a bit, but each time not hard enough. It could have turned nasty if it wasn't for the Polis interferings.

Thridaly, Chicos in stirling. Now, once upon a time, Chicos was a great place called papas. THe Pizzas were awesome, the kebabs were fresh, with fresh salad, newly made nan bread, and quality donner meat. So I roll in there drunk, and got in a chat with the owner. Apparetly it was Chicos all along, with the other guys just hiring the place out. I left the place reassured that chico would look after me.

I was wrong. When I opened the bag, I got chicken pakora that was greasy and overcoooked, and donnor meat off a standard slab of it. Where did the quality go? I was so disappointed!

I only ate a little bit before throwing it aweay, but I feel so ill. Oh Papas, how I miss you so. :

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Aye, p&b was good for me the first summer that particular problem affected me.

I think it's more than I'm just not tired as I went to bed late last night and slept til about 1pm today. I haven't been able to go to the gym in about a week because of all the stuff I've been doing over the last few days.

At least I can snore, sleeptalk ans sleepwalk with no complaints tonight!

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till people in shops talking to customers whilst you wait in line with a shitload of stuff in your hand.

I'd agree with this. except that the boot has been on the other foot and to some extent these poor souls are contractually required by way of random assessment to dish out some conversation -in my time I only ever did basic pleasantries/information/help when forced into this role as part of my retail gig but you do get those who unnessesarily 'enthuse' in the conversation side of the gig.

this is one of the reasons I can see the benefits of the self service modules. of course that a whole other -previously discussed- bloody iritating thing when they dont work.

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