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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Excuse the rant, but it must be wonderful being so fucking perfect all of the time. I mean, God forbid I might enjoy my job and post about it now and again. :rolleyes:

Certain posts on the Complaints forum getting under your skin a wee bit?

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Certain posts on the Complaints forum getting under your skin a wee bit?

I wouldn't normally let it bother me, tbh, but I'm not feeling myself at the moment.

And don't bother pointing out the fnarr factor in this post. :P

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Getting calls from companies who expect you to give out bank details over the phone. Just how stupid do they think people are?

3 times today I've been called by this company, who at first claim to be BT but the later claim to be some sort of voip service provider. They claim they could help me save £500 per year etc etc and then go on to say "If we could just have your bank details I could set it up for you right now".

I knew immediately it was a scam but I asked them anyway what kind of details they would like and the girl on the phone comes out with " account number, sort code and security code" :rolleyes:

I told them to f**k off with their ridiculous request and the woman starts lecturing me on my telephone manner :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Cheeky cow, shes just tried to scam me and she has the cheek to comment on my manners.

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Excuse the rant, but it must be wonderful being so fucking perfect all of the time. I mean, God forbid I might enjoy my job and post about it now and again. :rolleyes:

LoL. It was a joke...

And, FWIW, it's good that you enjoy your job. Seriously. You have a good job.

Edited by Muggy
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More arseholes phoning me up trying to get a hold of my bank account details. Same woman I told to f**k of yesterday, but today she claims to be from Abbey bank trying to sell me life insurance. Apparently if I lost a finger I would be entitled to £1000.

As I pointed out though, surely if she was actually calling from my bank they would already know my details. Surprisingly she hung up :rolleyes:

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More arseholes phoning me up trying to get a hold of my bank account details. Same woman I told to f**k of yesterday, but today she claims to be from Abbey bank trying to sell me life insurance. Apparently if I lost a finger I would be entitled to £1000.

As I pointed out though, surely if she was actually calling from my bank they would already know my details. Surprisingly she hung up :rolleyes:

When I get those phone calls, I challenge them as to how they've obtained my information. They throw the "I cannot divulge that information" bollocks at me, but when I mention the Data Protection Act and remind them it is my right to know where any record of me has come from they panic and hang up.

It's a pain in the arse when I'm trying to fly the TARDIS.

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I get that said to me about six times a day by different people :(

It is literally just beyond the stubble stage, so she doesn't even have grounds for complaint!

If I left it for a few more days it may looks scruffy but it is currently at its optimum sexiness.

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