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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Was told yesterday I'm not eligible for any jobseekers allowance, as I 'have enough savings' due to my redundancy payment.

I'm not that put out, but it's annoying that benefit cheats get away with claiming for years, and yet the one time I'm out of a job in many years, they flat out refuse to help.

BROWN!!! :angry::P

So your angry because you didn't get more money that your not entitled to. :lol::rolleyes:

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So your angry because you didn't get more money that your not entitled to. :lol::rolleyes:

Na, I'm not angry, it just gets on my nerves that people who have never worked a day in their life get showered with benefits, whereas they turn someone down at the first attempt who's worked all their life.

Even if I'm not entitled to it. :lol:

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G-mans going to cum with excitment when he reads that post, the ammunition you've provided him :lol:

How's Kirsty?

She's great thanks, a bit colic-y at times, but nothing too drastic. She's getting to the age where she's looking for something more to do than eat, shite, and sleep during the day, and my attempts at trying to teach her the history of the Albion have so far proved fruitless!!

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Na, I'm not angry, it just gets on my nerves that people who have never worked a day in their life get showered with benefits, whereas they turn someone down at the first attempt who's worked all their life.

Even if I'm not entitled to it. :lol:

Does this apply to you getting income support to?

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I'm getting nowt!

I take it you also told them about a partner living with you,and that she works? They factor that into the decision as well.

You shouldn't have told them about your savings. :P (I'm kidding)

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Guest The Phoenix
Was told yesterday I'm not eligible for any jobseekers allowance, as I 'have enough savings' due to my redundancy payment.

I'm not that put out, but it's annoying that benefit cheats get away with claiming for years, and yet the one time I'm out of a job in many years, they flat out refuse to help.

BROWN!!! :angry::P

Not convinced about the "advice" you've been given.

You certainly won't get Income Based JSA but I would have thought you would get Contributory JSA (based on the contributions I assume you paid whilst in employment).

This would only be for you and not for Mrs Mac and Mini Mac.

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My flatmate in the room next door to me has been rather excited about going to see the Killers earlier this evening.

Yesterday he played their music from about 1pm till midnight (No breaks! Even listening to the same songs repeatedly).

Today he played them from about 10am to 5pm.

He went to the gig and since he got back its been him singing along to them for the past hour now.

If he listens to them tomorrow I will kill him :lol: I dont actually mind the Killers but I am beginning to hate them :lol:

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Get a paper round, maybe help you out for the now,

In seriousness i do feel sorry for you, im marrying into a family who cheat the system with alot of kids, both parents dont work, drives me insane, i hate the mother.

Agree with the phoniex though with that i think you have been given rubbish advice.

By the way your talking though must have been a big pay off you got, well played.

Seek more advice on to get help for your child and wife

do you know, I don't think we would ever have guessed that at all!! :lol:

seriously though good ethos you have -though sometimes there's no option. :(

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She's great thanks, a bit colic-y at times, but nothing too drastic. She's getting to the age where she's looking for something more to do than eat, shite, and sleep during the day, and my attempts at trying to teach her the history of the Albion have so far proved fruitless!!

At least she actually exists though....... ;)

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My flatmate in the room next door to me has been rather excited about going to see the Killers earlier this evening.

Yesterday he played their music from about 1pm till midnight (No breaks! Even listening to the same songs repeatedly).

Today he played them from about 10am to 5pm.

He went to the gig and since he got back its been him singing along to them for the past hour now.

If he listens to them tomorrow I will kill him :lol: I dont actually mind the Killers but I am beginning to hate them :lol:

That would drive me mental mate, but you gotta love the irony that they are called the Killers :lol::lol::lol:

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Been in my new job for 5 weeks now. This week however has been my first week on my own, made a couple mistakes but everyone on my desk has been understanding and helped me, however just had someone ring up and call me thick. Utterly pissed off

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When a pundit asks someone for an match prediction and they say a draw and the pundit responds by saying they are 'sitting on the fence'.

A draw is never the most likely outcome of a game, so they really aren't taking the safe and predictable option.

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Been in my new job for 5 weeks now. This week however has been my first week on my own, made a couple mistakes but everyone on my desk has been understanding and helped me, however just had someone ring up and call me thick. Utterly pissed off

Get them sorted. Re-dial the b*****ds and pelt abuse back at them!

How's the job, apart from that incident, going?

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When a pundit asks someone for an match prediction and they say a draw and the pundit responds by saying they are 'sitting on the fence'.

A draw is never the most likely outcome of a game, so they really aren't taking the safe and predictable option.

It's "safe" in that they're not going to alienate anyone, nor be completely wrong. If we consider the outcome as 1 home win, 2 draw, and 3 away win (I know this isn't how it works on coupons but bear with me) then he'll never be further than value 1 away from correctness. Of course he'll still look like a complete doylum if team 3 goes on to win by five goals, as Bayern did at Sporting CP last week, but that's how it goes.

Also a draw is never the most likely outcome of a generic game but it can be the most likely outcome of a specific game, e.g. Inter-Man U.

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Been in my new job for 5 weeks now. This week however has been my first week on my own, made a couple mistakes but everyone on my desk has been understanding and helped me, however just had someone ring up and call me thick. Utterly pissed off

It was probably Dickson. Just ask him when the last time he saw his peeper was.

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