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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Well that smashed the good mood.

I took a few days off as mentioned in the RTBC thread, and I disconnected myself from email for the weekend. So Saturday afternoon, Sunday, and Monday. 196 emails. Fair enough, most of them are junk, but in less than 3 days my supervisor sent me FIVE emails. FIVE! :angry:

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I think it depends on how clingy or dependant a person is. I know if i was to split up with my boyfriend he would take it worse than me. Not that i love him any less than he loves me.

Ye want knobbed?

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I think it depends on how clingy or dependant a person is. I know if i was to split up with my boyfriend he would take it worse than me. Not that i love him any less than he loves me.

A fair point. In my experience, girls tend to be clingier than guys, but I guess that isn't always the case.

I tell myself any girl would be gutted to lose me, then I tell myself I could do better than them anyway. That makes me sound like a completely arrogant p***k, but it sure stops me from dwelling over the breakup, which is a good thing.

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A fair point. In my experience, girls tend to be clingier than guys, but I guess that isn't always the case.

I tell myself any girl would be gutted to lose me, then I tell myself I could do better than them anyway. That makes me sound like a completely arrogant p***k, but it sure stops me from dwelling over the breakup, which is a good thing.

I've never really broke up with anyone so i don't have a clue how i would feel... I don't think it makes you sound arrogant, it's just your way of getting over a girl, which i understand.

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I agree, actually. I think a lot of girls overreact about most things though. One of my mates once started crying in the middle of the street because her boyfriend said he was going to the pub with his mates. I mean full on hysterics. I was mortified on her behalf.

But aye, I'm the same as you, I tend to get over things quickly, I'd rather not think about it than sit around dwelling on it. :)

Jeez! that is a bit too far.

That's the way to go. Dwelling on things isn't going to make them go away, better to accept it and move on. Just always tell yourself it's their loss. It always is, because I'm just so unbelievably awesome B) *

*In my own mind, when I'm trying to forget about exs, anyway.

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Bought a pair of Armani Jeans off the net last week. They were supposed to be 'Midnight Blue', a dark navy colour. They arrived and they're fucking black. I'll get my £135 back but not the five quid the thieving b*****ds wanted for postage.

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Bought a pair of Armani Jeans off the net last week. They were supposed to be 'Midnight Blue', a dark navy colour. They arrived and they're fucking black. I'll get my £135 back but not the five quid the thieving b*****ds wanted for postage.

Aye, but were your matching handbag and make up set the correct shade?

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Is that what came with your Evisu's ? 0Gay0.gif

I just had to google that. Some Japanese jeans for those not in the know. I don't know if they come with a matching handbag and make up set, but to be honest given your knowledge of such things, I suspect you could furnish an answer.

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I just had to google that. Some Japanese jeans for those not in the know. I don't know if they come with a matching handbag and make up set, but to be honest given your knowledge of such things, I suspect you could furnish an answer.

*cough* BULLSHIT! *cough*

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I just had to google that. Some Japanese jeans for those not in the know. I don't know if they come with a matching handbag and make up set, but to be honest given your knowledge of such things, I suspect you could furnish an answer.

Are you folk still running about with your skirts on, up your way ?

My guess is a yes, Evisu's probably do come with a matching handbag and make up set.

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You can say you're awesome & I'll believe you seeing as you're a Raith fan and I do [secretly] quite like them, even though yous rather selfishly got promoted and ruined my trips to Kirkcaldy for next season.


Brechin did have a chance to join us via the play-offs though ;) . If Brechin don't win promotion next year, there's a good chance a trip to Kirkcaldy will be on the cards again, fear not!

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If we stay down & I still don't get my trip to Kirkcaldy I'm going to be holding you personally responsible for even suggesting it it might happen. B)

I'll be hoping for cup draws at home to Brechin, saves my neck.

Christ Michael, I didn't think anyone would need to point out to you that xEuphoria wants some...


So, erm... ;)


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