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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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One of the guys that we kick about with in Thornton has to tell his bird that he's playing rugby on a Saturday and doesn't get home until late so he can come out with us at night. Every single other night he's got to go to hers otherwise she think he's cheating on her. Now THAT is clingy.

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One of the guys that we kick about with in Thornton has to tell his bird that he's playing rugby on a Saturday and doesn't get home until late so he can come out with us at night. Every single other night he's got to go to hers otherwise she think he's cheating on her. Now THAT is clingy.

could be worse, he could have to phone her every hour to tell her where he is - now that's clingy

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You lot don't know the half of it.

My dad's pal is in his 50's, a very successful lawyer who lives in a very nice house and drives a very nice car.

He isn't allowed to go to the pub on a Saturday night with his peers, he isn't allowed to go out on rugby trips, golf trips, weekends away or sportsmans dinners. His wife has to be there at all times. Constantly.

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Guest The Phoenix
My dad's pal is in his 50's, a very successful lawyer who lives in a very nice house and drives a very nice car.

He isn't allowed to go to the pub on a Saturday night with his peers, he isn't allowed to go out on rugby trips, golf trips, weekends away or sportsmans dinners. His wife has to be there at all times. Constantly.

Apart from not being a very successful lawyer who lives in a very nice house and drives a very nice car and being allowed to go to the pub on a Saturday night with my peers, being allowed to go out on golf trips, weekends away or sportsmans dinners and my wife being glad to see the back of me, that's me to a "T". :D

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Good grief. All this talk of clingyness just makes me glad I'm single.

On of my mates used to go out with this girl who would text him all day. If he didn't reply within 5 minutes, she'd start phoning him wondering why he hadn't text back. He normally saw her everyday as well.

I really don't know how he put up with it. If a any girl was as clingy as that with me, I'd have to chuck her.

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Apart from not being a very successful lawyer who lives in a very nice house and drives a very nice car and being allowed to go to the pub on a Saturday night with my peers, being allowed to go out on golf trips, weekends away or sportsmans dinners and my wife being glad to see the back of me, that's me to a "T". :D

In your 50's?


You wish!

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I can just do whatever the hell I want (within reason) and she doesn't really care less. I rarely drink but she goes out just about every weekend, gets wrecked and staggers in at the back of 3am, but that doesn't really bother me either.

They should also be able to take joking remarks such as 'shut up, or i'll boot you in the pie' (said in a loving way) and not just run away and cry.

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I can just do whatever the hell I want (within reason) and she doesn't really care less. I rarely drink but she goes out just about every weekend, gets wrecked and staggers in at the back of 3am, but that doesn't really bother me either.

They should also be able to take joking remarks such as 'shut up, or i'll boot you in the pie' (said in a loving way) and not just run away and cry.

how can that be said in a loving way :lol:

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Guest The Phoenix
In your 50's?


You wish!


Some of us have a birth certicate that not only verifies our date of birth but also our parentage. :P

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I can just do whatever the hell I want (within reason) and she doesn't really care less. I rarely drink but she goes out just about every weekend, gets wrecked and staggers in at the back of 3am, but that doesn't really bother me either.

They should also be able to take joking remarks such as 'shut up, or i'll boot you in the pie' (said in a loving way) and not just run away and cry.

Aye I really don't get couples who can't let each other go out. What happends when they go oit with each others mates is that one of them ends up pissed off, they have an argument and go home early, it's shit craic.

Think it's great being with somebody that you can just carry on with your life as before, some couples are just so involved with themself that they end up neglecting their friends.

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Guest The Phoenix
how can that be said in a loving way :lol:

Darling, if you don't refrain from your constant babbling, I may be forced to take practical steps towards inserting my foot, with some considerable force, into your most attractive and endearing feature.

Edited by The Phoenix
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I really don't know how he put up with it. If a any girl was as clingy as that with me, I'd have to chuck her.

A few years ago I went out with this girl for a few months. It ended very shortly after she came round to my flat demanding to know why I was ignoring her phone calls...I'd accidentally left my mobile on silent charging in the other room whilst I watched the footy on tv. She'd called me about 17 times during the game!!

The "best" part about it all was that she'd withheld her number and hadn't left me any messages, so even if I'd looked at my phone I wouldn't have known who was so desperate to speak to me...

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how can that be said in a loving way :lol:

I'm not sure I can really explain. :lol:

I once told her I didn't really think any of the Pussycat Dolls were very hot, so she chased be around the flat (again, in a loving way :lol: ) shouting at me for being a total queer, before swiping my legs away from me as I ran, causing me to faceplant into the wall.

I got a cuddle to comfort me afterwards though :wub:

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I'm not sure I can really explain. :lol:

I once told her I didn't really think any of the Pussycat Dolls were very hot, so she chased be around the flat (again, in a loving way :lol: ) shouting at me for being a total queer, before swiping my legs away from me as I ran, causing me to faceplant into the wall.

I got a cuddle to comfort me afterwards though :wub:

:o no wonder she called you a queer

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I'm not sure I can really explain. :lol:

I once told her I didn't really think any of the Pussycat Dolls were very hot, so she chased be around the flat (again, in a loving way :lol: ) shouting at me for being a total queer, before swiping my legs away from me as I ran, causing me to faceplant into the wall.

I got a cuddle to comfort me afterwards though :wub:

Fucking hell if she can take down you with such ease I'd hate to see here battling somebody she didn't like!

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