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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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the plan was that, because the girl i like has her own headphones, i was gonna borrow them, so that when she came in the next day, she would wonder where they were and i could say i borrowed them, therefore i would get a chance to try and speak to her.

needless to say it failed

Huh, not great but I've heard far worse.

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i could, but i dont have enough confidence

Oh come on, how much confidence do you really need just to chat to a girl?

The thing you have to remember is that lassies want boaby just as much as we want to give them it. Many are sluts.

Just go for it man, :D

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i could, but i dont have enough confidence

You have a fear of failure.

Forget about that.

Just go and talk to her, if it goes badly, the worst you'll have is a slightly bruised ego - but at least you'll have gained the experience of knowing what doesn't work :)

Just go for it mate.

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fafc, try thinking about it this way:

Just now, you're thinking about her and wishing you could talk to her. I remember being your age and longing after someone and wanting to ask them out and it feeling like hell. If you just go and talk to her, it's done. Just ask her out and that's the end of that torture. If she says no, well, bruised ego, but that's the worst that can happen. You'll get over that, but then she might even say yes.

Carry on not talking to her, and you'll just keep feeling like this.

Which would you prefer?

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i could, but i dont have enough confidence

Just to echo above posts here.

Sitting around thinking about it wont make it happen. You'll be amazed what happens when you just talk and ask to people

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Exactly fafc - she may be actually gantin' fer ye, chavva! ;)

nah, she wont be, my mate asked her before (in march) if she would go out with me (i didnt know he had until after) and she said no because she had a boyfriend but on her bebo there was no sign of a boyfriend

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Just had an assessment centre day feedback for a job I was going for. I didn't get the job which ive known for about 2 months, but the reasons have annoyed me. Its because I was nervous and fidgety at the start of the day and I offered little eye contact. In the afternoon however this was my strongest thing and I was brilliant in the presentation, better than nearly everyone else. I did well in nearly every other thing. You would think they would take the nervousness at the start of the day into account. :( I suppose they were looking for a high standard though.

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Oh come on, how much confidence do you really need just to chat to a girl?

The thing you have to remember is that lassies want boaby just as much as we want to give them it. Many are sluts.

Just go for it man, :D

Aye right :lol:

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nah, she wont be, my mate asked her before (in march) if she would go out with me (i didnt know he had until after) and she said no because she had a boyfriend but on her bebo there was no sign of a boyfriend

Ah bebo, the true portrayal of finding out if a bird is single.

You da man (if you pull this off)! Seriously though, good luck fafc. :)

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fafc, try thinking about it this way:

Just now, you're thinking about her and wishing you could talk to her. I remember being your age and longing after someone and wanting to ask them out and it feeling like hell. If you just go and talk to her, it's done. Just ask her out and that's the end of that torture. If she says no, well, bruised ego, but that's the worst that can happen. You'll get over that, but then she might even say yes.

Carry on not talking to her, and you'll just keep feeling like this.

Which would you prefer?

Best advice on here fafc.

Having movie star good looks like me would help but give it a bash anyway.

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Just had a phone call from my bank and my Credit Card's been cloned and used. I'll get the money back but will have to wait on getting a new card issued.

Given that I don't know the PIN for my card (and so don't use it in shops / restaurants), don't throw out any statements and don't use it online, I've no idea how they've managed to get it.

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nah, she wont be, my mate asked her before (in march) if she would go out with me (i didnt know he had until after) and she said no because she had a boyfriend but on her bebo there was no sign of a boyfriend

What's her bebo? ;) eh? eh?

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Just had a phone call from my bank and my Credit Card's been cloned and used. I'll get the money back but will have to wait on getting a new card issued.

Given that I don't know the PIN for my card (and so don't use it in shops / restaurants), don't throw out any statements and don't use it online, I've no idea how they've managed to get it.

That' a terrible thing. I can give you details how to avoid it in future. Just e-mail me your new card details when you receive it and I will send back solution.cool.gif

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Just had a phone call from my bank and my Credit Card's been cloned and used. I'll get the money back but will have to wait on getting a new card issued.

Given that I don't know the PIN for my card (and so don't use it in shops / restaurants), don't throw out any statements and don't use it online, I've no idea how they've managed to get it.

What do you actually use it for?

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