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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Guest The Phoenix

I'm so bored, I'm thinking of posting on "Shagging Stories".

Unfortunately my long term memory ain't what it used to be. :(

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:lol: You so fat, you walked past the telly and I missed the first season of Lost.

Thanks, Dunc.

Walked past it? I fucking heaved that thing up two flights of fucking stairs. :lol:

The driver was Celtic minded :rolleyes:

And furious. Very, very angry. :lol:

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I'm so bored, I'm thinking of posting on "Shagging Stories".

Unfortunately my long term memory ain't what it used to be. :(

I was actually tempted to start reading "Let's Make The Most Pages", until I realised that I had a balcony I could jump off first.

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Guest The Phoenix
Be him goobledy, or gobbledy, that sir, is racist.

f**k me, so it is. :(

I never knew that until now.

A quick google set me straight.

Humble apologies to the entire P&B family.

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I was actually tempted to start reading "Let's Make The Most Pages", until I realised that I had a balcony I could jump off first.

Oh tell the truth!

You're just mad because Honest Saints Fan has stolen your rightful place as vacuous tart all the weans are sucking up to just now.

That DarkBlue62 boy must have tugged the heid aff it by now......

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Oh tell the truth!

You're just mad because Honest Saints Fan has stolen your rightful place as vacuous tart all the weans are sucking up to just now.

That DarkBlue62 boy must have tugged the heid aff it by now......

I'd thank you not to mention it. :(

Nay lass.

A superior cliquey attitude and relevant snootiness when dealing with plebs is fine. :)


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Be him goobledy, or gobbledy, that sir, is racist.
f**k me, so it is. :(

I never knew that until now.

A quick google set me straight.

Humble apologies to the entire P&B family.

I think it may be if you mispell it by isolating the word 'Gook', which is definitely a derogatory reference to East Asian people and particulary used by American troops when referring to the Viet Cong in the Vietnam war.

However, spelt correctly, it isn't at all...

Gobbledygook was coined by U.S. Rep. Maury Maverick in a 30 March 1944 memo banning "gobbledygook language" at the Smaller War Plants Corporation. It was a reaction to his frustration with the "convoluted language of bureaucrats." He made up the word as an onomatopoeic imitation of a turkey's gobble.

Now the matter of a turkey gobbling....well that might raise a few eyebrows in the animal welfare world! :ph34r:

Oh tell the truth!

You're just mad because Honest Saints Fan has stolen your rightful place as vacuous tart all the weans are sucking up to just now.

That DarkBlue62 boy must have tugged the heid aff it by now......

No just the weans.... :ph34r::whistle

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Feeling a tad stressed, my inability to find a summer job in Haddington and waiting for exam results and the ones I have recieved have hardly set the heather on fire <_<

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