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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Evie's got to move out this Thursday......breach of her tenancy agreement due to her flatmate disappearing!

Life - brings you up one moment, then kicks you in the baws! <_<

They can't just kick her out like that. There are legal channels to go through. Tell her to get to the CAB!

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Just got a quote from a flag printer/maker and they're wanting to charge me £70 for a 5x3ft flag :o

I got one with all St Johnstone's major honours on it, cheap as chips it was. :lol: Seriously, how much are you expecting to pay for what I assume is a custom-made flag? £70 doesn't sound too excessive.

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No, because if I meant taxi, I'd have said cab. Haven't you got headphones to steal?

ok, what did you mean?

edit: doesnt matter, i googled it

Edited by fafc1885
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Just discovered why my admin assistant can't add up figures.

She can't tell the difference from a decimal point and when someone break up

hundreds & thousands with an apostrophe. i.e.;

£ 10.00

£ 17.55


and she had come to £37.673 rather than £10,150.55. :o

Genuinely is she thick or are these things not taught anymore,

had to have what I would describe as a primary school arithmetic lesson today.

This is the same one I was comparing to Kilts temp a couple of weeks ago,

I can feel a P45 rapidly approaching on the horizon. :(

Early finish and pub awaits - Its Monday and the week is too long already. :angry:

Edited by MEADOWXI
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Just discovered why my admin assistant can't add up figures.

She can't tell the difference from a decimal point and when someone break up

hundreds & thousands with an apostrophe. i.e.;

£ 10.00

£ 17.55


and she had come to £37.673 rather than £10,150.55. :o

Genuinely is she thick or are these things not taught anymore,

had to have what I would describe as a primary school arithmetic lesson today.

This is the same one I was comparing to Kilts temp a couple of weeks ago,

I can feel a P45 rapidly approaching on the horizon. :(

Early finish and pub awaits - Its Monday and the week is too long already. :angry:

She's thick. Employ me. I'm from Fife, so I've got extra fingers to count on.

EDIT: I'm not coming up to Aberdeen, relocate your business. It may seem extravagant, but I'm not going to lose you £10112.88 every Monday.

Edited by Dunc
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Guest The Phoenix
She's thick. Employ me. I'm from Fife, so I've got extra fingers to count on.

She is a she.

Kinda makes anything in your CV pretty much irrelevant.

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Watching The Biggest Loser, and the fat b*****ds have voted out the guy who has lost the most weight so far and only one of them admitted to his face it's because he is a threat for the £100,000. One of the bitches started crying when it was blatanlty obvious she hated him!

I take some solace in the fact they will all eat themselves to death, so f**k them.

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I'm getting seriously bored with filling out application forms.

There's only so many lies you can make up about giving excellent customer service before words stop looking like words any more. When have I handled "cash"? What's "cash"? Is that a word? It doesn't look like one.

cash cash cash cash cash cash cash cash cash cash cash cash cash cash cash cash

That's not a word. It's just letters, it doesn't mean anything.

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The BNP are angels compared to the lot we have marching around here- http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/8061273.stm

Herr Griffin is friendly with that mob: http://www.hopenothate.org.uk/the-real-bnp...ick-Griffin.php

A few days after his return from Hungary Griffin was cementing his relationship with the tiny anti-immigration, anti-Muslim and anti-Romani Czech National Party (NS) by addressing its rally to celebrate Czech independence. In his speech he railed against the accession of Turkey to the EU, saying that the introduction of millions of Muslims into the EU would "drive down wages, living standards and increase taxes". Griffin's trip, accompanied by several BNP activists, followed the visit by the NS leader, Petra Edelmannová, to the BNP's Red White and Blue festival in August.
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