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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I have a stoating hangover and I'm sure I made a total arse of it with a girl from work last night, but I can't remember what I said. Hopefully she can't either or else Monday is going to be cringe-tastic.

Monday morning, you slink into work, hoping to avoid her, but she's waiting.

She doesn't look happy.

You try a smile and some light conversation, but she cuts you right off mid-sentence to shout in front of most of the workplace:

"For your information I would never let anyone, least of all you, stick it up......there"

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Monday morning, you slink into work, hoping to avoid her, but she's waiting.

She doesn't look happy.

You try a smile and some light conversation, but she cuts you right off mid-sentence to shout in front of most of the workplace:

"For your information I would never let anyone, least of all you, stick it up......there"


I can't remember what I said, but I know what I was thinking, which was

"her tits are fucking magnificent, I want to bury my face in them and go BWLALALALLWWEWLL while shaking my head rapidly".

If I said that, I'm probably in the shit.

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I can't remember what I said, but I know what I was thinking, which was

"her tits are fucking magnificent, I want to bury my face in them and go BWLALALALLWWEWLL while shaking my head rapidly".

If I said that, I'm probably in the shit.

in some cultures you just got married. :D

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She more discerning than that! ;)

Nowadays anyway. :P

Let's stop all the Kilt bashing eh. Folk take advantage of the mans good nature and see him as an easy target.

What is the big problem about him mentioning a name on a website anyway? It isn't the first time that it's happened and it most certainly won't be the last.

People pick on folk like Kilt as they don't think he'll give them as good back. I'd love to see those people trying to give the likes of Monster or Gaz (for example) the same level of shit but I never will as the passive aggresive among us know that they'd get the total pish ripped out of them.

Give the man a break and put him on ignore if the innuendo or name-dropping becomes too much for your delicate little eyes.

Heid up Kilt. ;)

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This was supposed to be my one day off in the midst of 14 days off work. I'm here anyway. I also appreciate that since 3 of the now 15 day stint is voluntary overtime I shouldn't whinge.

But I am.

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Nowadays anyway. :P

Let's stop all the Kilt bashing eh. Folk take advantage of the mans good nature and see him as an easy target.

What is the big problem about him mentioning a name on a website anyway? It isn't the first time that it's happened and it most certainly won't be the last.

People pick on folk like Kilt as they don't think he'll give them as good back. I'd love to see those people trying to give the likes of Monster or Gaz (for example) the same level of shit but I never will as the passive aggresive among us know that they'd get the total pish ripped out of them.

Rubbish! Sorry Andy, but that post is all rubbish!

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There's a wee b*****d o' a fly buzzin bout my room. It's one of those ones that you don't notice until it appears right in front of your face. In a fit of rage that the dirty wee dot would disturb my personnal space I searched for something to whack it with but by the time I'd turned back round it was gone. I'm waiting though...

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Toryglen fucking Asda.

The shop is full of utter cretins and their deformed offspring. Natural selection in Glasgow seems to be utterly goosed.

To top it off, despite being the scum of the earth, the store's customer base seems to know it's red wines. Any half decent bottles in the 3 for 10 quid offer were sold out.

Ach well, cheap and nasty Argentine guff it is.

Edited to add: I'm pretty damn close to adding somone to my ignore list for the first time, and it ain't Kilt. Give it a fucking rest.

Edited by wearealldoomed
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Toryglen fucking Asda.

The shop is full of utter cretins and their deformed offspring. Natural selection in Glasgow seems to be utterly goosed.

To top it off, despite being the scum of the earth, the store's customer base seems to know it's red wines. Any half decent bottles in the 3 for 10 quid offer were sold out.

Ach well, cheap and nasty Argentine guff it is.

Edited to add: I'm pretty damn close to adding somone to my ignore list for the first time, and it ain't Kilt. Give it a fucking rest.


the following thought:

"aye rab, aye that nice wee shiraz fae chile...its fu' o' flavenoids you know..."

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Nowadays anyway. :P

Let's stop all the Kilt bashing eh. Folk take advantage of the mans good nature and see him as an easy target.

What is the big problem about him mentioning a name on a website anyway? It isn't the first time that it's happened and it most certainly won't be the last.

People pick on folk like Kilt as they don't think he'll give them as good back. I'd love to see those people trying to give the likes of Monster or Gaz (for example) the same level of shit but I never will as the passive aggresive among us know that they'd get the total pish ripped out of them.

Give the man a break and put him on ignore if the innuendo or name-dropping becomes too much for your delicate little eyes.

Heid up Kilt. ;)

Show me where Monster and Gaz (for example) have posted the personal information of others without permission on P&B and I'll gladly give them 'the same level of shit' as I did Kilt.

I can understand that the moderators have dealt with the Kilt's conduct on a softly-softly basis but the number of people mitigating for his absurdly irresponsible behaviour is worrying.

Who knows, maybe it'll be your son or daughter whose name, address, sexual proclivities and new partner he posts for the world to see without asking him/her next!

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