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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Saturday was pish, got beat heavily at bowls and failed at chatting up a 28 year old( not a clue why i did that)

You're 17 right? If I were you, for a couple more years either go for birds your own age or a few years older then 28. (mid 30's+).

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why mid 30's+?

Bowls isnt pish

No other reason then I personally found more success with mid 30's when I was your age. Perhaps you'll have better luck then me with the 20 odd year olds but I often thought the same as you (why did I even bother trying to chat her up etc). Older women seemed more.......desperate for a younger guy, perhaps to try and make them feel a bit younger, I don't know.

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No other reason then I personally found more success with mid 30's when I was your age. Perhaps you'll have better luck then me with the 20 odd year olds but I often thought the same as you (why did I even bother trying to chat her up etc). Older women seemed more.......desperate for a younger guy, perhaps to try and make them feel a bit younger, I don't know.

ah, i get you now

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I didn't even think of going for women in their mid 30's. Stick with girls around your own age.

There were cats cooler then me at 17 & 18 who had super fast done up nova's and the like. I seemed to be losing out to these clowns a lot so I expended my horizons.

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To be honest, I'd never have thought mid 30's woman would be interested in guys in their teens, given that girls of around my age have tended to go for older guys. Hell, you'd be lucky to get a mid 20's woman at that age! This maybe isn't quite so prevalent now, but it was up until a year or two ago.

The oldest girl I've ever pulled was 23, that was when I was 18. The again, she thought I was also in my 20's and was quite shocked when she found out I had only turned 18 a few weeks previously.

Edited by Michael W
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She's also probably the bowls coach.

arn't there any female bowls people in your age group? surely you should stalk, talk to them first before the coaches?

no, she's not

no, the youngest female bowler that i know of is about 48

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There were cats cooler then me at 17 & 18 who had super fast done up nova's and the like. I seemed to be losing out to these clowns a lot so I expended my horizons.

You were probably lucky avoiding those wimminz then. Could have had itchy scrot for the rest of your life.

I stayed away from such trash by choice. Classy ladies only.

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Fafc1885, my advice would be to go for older women.

Get thrown around and shown around and then unleash your experience on some suspicious little tart around your own age and give her the riding of her life.

Legendary status awaits thanks to that advice. Thank me later.

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no, she's not

no, the youngest female bowler that i know of is about 48

ah. see now there's your issue, you should get yourself attached to another club with a bigger junior section -you can do this and play for your current club I would think, I am a member of 3 chess clubs by way of comparison. then you have a common point of interest to begin convo. other than I've nicked your headphones.

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