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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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My mate convinced me against my better wisdom to go to the worst nightclub in the worst night-out spot in the country (it's Greenock). Basically, the shithole has a dance floor about the size of a standard living room, one room, shit music, and is full of pretendy-posh 16 year olds with delusions of their own worth to society. So it was shit and I left very early.

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My mate convinced me against my better wisdom to go to the worst nightclub in the worst night-out spot in the country (it's Greenock). Basically, the shithole has a dance floor about the size of a standard living room, one room, shit music, and is full of pretendy-posh 16 year olds with delusions of their own worth to society. So it was shit and I left very early.

I also left a night club early tonight due to it being shit.

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The guy's just phoned me there asking why I left, so I had to basically give him that same mini-rant down the phone. It's a shitehole that doesn't deserve my money in order to be so drunk that I might think it passable.

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:o It's brilliant! I don't go for all the usual games and quizzes that other people try and make me do, but I tried Mafia Wars one night last week just to see what it was all about and I'm hooked now.

About half the people I know on Facebook seem to play it, and it does look like fun...but I'm rarely on Facebook, and don't fancy using it for games. Plus it looks dangerously addictive by Vectron!

Men should cut their own hair, in front of a mirror, with a set of clippers.

That's what real men do.

I have to disagree with you there - my hair hasn't been near a set of clippers for years. A careful scissoring of split ends in the barbers is the manly thing to do!

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Well, I'm fat, speccy and ginger ( and PROUD I might add!) - Never thought that supporting Airdrie over Morton has been my saving grace all these years ! :P

Pfft. I bet you're really dying inside :P

Anyway, if you're so proud of your ginger-ness, which do you shave it all off, eh? Eh?

I did speak to you at the fives didn't I? I don't remember speaking to anyone of that description, although to be fair, I don't remember much of that night. Sadly there's nothing we can do about the part in bold.

Erm, pass. Possibly. My memories of the night in question are somewhat hazy.

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I need two more people in my Mafia for Mafia Wars on facebook. :(

I think I signed up for that, but Facebook Scrabble quickly became the priority.

We got dumped out the CIS Cup by fucking Forfar!

And I won some penies out of it. B)

Erm, pass. Possibly. My memories of the night in question are somewhat hazy.

I think I remember you nearly falling on your hoop just before you left. But as I said, my memory of the night isn't so clear. Maybe next year we'll meet when we're both relatively sober.

Incase you didn't know, I'm currently out my boobers.


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I think I remember you nearly falling on your hoop just before you left. But as I said, my memory of the night isn't so clear. Maybe next year we'll meet when we're both relatively sober.

Incase you didn't know, I'm currently out my boobers.


I don't remember that at all. It certainly sounds like me though.

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I don't remember that at all. It certainly sounds like me though.

I could be wrong, but I think that's what happened. I believed I was annoying wearealldoomed at the time. Maybe he can clear things up.

I must say, I'm annoyed at the lack of chat at 5am in the morning. What do you all have, lives?

I'm on the last beer in the fridge just now and I'm annoyingly drunk. Someone humour me!

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I must say, I'm annoyed at the lack of chat at 5am in the morning. What do you all have, lives?

I'm on the last beer in the fridge just now and I'm annoyingly drunk. Someone humour me!

I wasn't there in Toma's hour of need! :(

Yesterday it was just an itchy throat and blocked sinuses. Now it's the coughing and sneezing, fatigue, slight lethalgia, tickly throat and stuffy sinuses/nose.

Looks like man/pig flu. :(

:o But I sent you positive energy through the spiritual ether last night! How can that have happened! :( Chin up buddy! ;)

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Shouldn't laugh. So I won't.

Ok. Maybe a little :lol:

I would have given a little giggle too - had it not been for Partick Thistle completely gubbing us in the second half yesterday!

Official Club statement: 'We are concentrating on the league this season!' :ph34r::(

Electrical equipment. How can a plug have 2 of the 3 wires disconnected.Wiring plugs on a Sun Morning with a slight hand tremor is not on... :angry:

'A slight hand tremor' indeed! :rolleyes: = Capy hungover as fúck! :lol: Good luck buddy! ;)

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'A slight hand tremor' indeed! :rolleyes: = Capy hungover as fúck! :lol: Good luck buddy! ;)

Not bad actually.....Anyway i am of into the city centre today to renew my bus pass,as the money for my car still has not arrived.That of course means Capy in Edinburgh city centre on public transport= pub=hing hang tomorrow..

Edit to add report on the thread 08.00 mon am..

Edited by capybara
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Not bad actually.....Anyway i am of into the city centre today to renew my bus pass,as the money for my car still has not arrived.That of course means Capy in Edinburgh city centre on public transport-/b]= pub=hing hang tomorrow..

Edit to add report on the thread 08.00 mon am..

:o Oh dear - I fear the worst. Stay safe buddy! ;)

Searches for his tin helmet and air-raid warden's badge for Capy's impending explosion of wrath! :(

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:o Oh dear - I fear the worst. Stay safe buddy! ;)

Searches for his tin helmet and air-raid warden's badge for Capy's impending explosion of wrath! :(

I will need to take it easy,my colleague is on holiday for two weeks so i am on my own..Cant afford to sleep in or be too ill.

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