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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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And to cap it all off, i've just been pulled to the side by my manager cause since i started at 9, iv been to the loo 5 times to either spew or let the liquid lava out my erse. Ring sting and hangover is a bad craic at 11am

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Well well well.. Why is it when I'm up late, the action always starts as soon as I decide it's time for bed?

The key there being tips on breastfeeding and not pictures of actual breasts.

Sadly. :ph34r:

Kilt's right, the double standards surrounding religion are ludicrous. People (correctly, as it happens) make fun of his idiotic beliefs but the second someone does it about, say, Christianity or Islam monocles are flying into champagne flutes with startling alacrity.


I'm feeling good this morning. My mate tried to phone me at 9am, which was swiftly dingied, but he got me again about an hour ago. But while I was on the phone I had a horrendous bowel movement. I'm not going to lie to you all, I did start to panic. Thankfully, tragedy was averted and thus this story shall not be making any appearance in the "Shitting Stories" thread.


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What the f**k happened here last night? Looks like Kilt underwent a fucking mental breakdown, and everyone was pointing and laughing.

Can't believe I missed it.

That's about the top and bottom of it.

It made for great 'live' viewing

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My mates girlfriend is a c**t of the highest order.

She was raging he'd decided to spend the day with his friends and (I'm assuming) made up some tragic story so he couldn't be with us. Anyway, now it's 8:17 and I have f**k all to do tonight.

It's lovely.

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My mates girlfriend is a c**t of the highest order.

She was raging he'd decided to spend the day with his friends and (I'm assuming) made up some tragic story so he couldn't be with us. Anyway, now it's 8:17 and I have f**k all to do tonight.

It's lovely.

I also can't go out, need an early night because of a semi-final and a (possible) final tomorrow :angry:

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My mates girlfriend is a c**t of the highest order.

She was raging he'd decided to spend the day with his friends and (I'm assuming) made up some tragic story so he couldn't be with us. Anyway, now it's 8:17 and I have f**k all to do tonight.

It's lovely.

Do what I used to do in Aberdeen. Go to a music venue and watch some bands. You invariably get talking to someone and may just discover a new band you like.

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