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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I need to get my haircut again :( 4 all over awaits. I don't fear it anymore.

I got my hair cut this morning and the girl who cut it didn't leave my hair nearly as long at the back as I aksed for. She's quite cute, so I'll let her off.

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I was just reading the news and found out that a 17 year old I taught was killed in a car crash yesterday morning. Unbelievably sad. He was a really nice kid, really popular. He'd just finshed 6th year and was on his way to work. The others in the car were all ok, but he died at the scene. I'm gutted. :(

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I was just reading the news and found out that a 17 year old I taught was killed in a car crash yesterday morning. Unbelievably sad. He was a really nice kid, really popular. He'd just finshed 6th year and was on his way to work. The others in the car were all ok, but he died at the scene. I'm gutted. :(

which puts my wine into context.

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I keep having really strange dreams. I'm sure my subconscious is trying to tell me something, but I'm too bloody thick to figure it out.

I had a weird dream last night.

I've been thinking about getting my hair cut for a while now, cause it's getting to that length where it's too long to kinda spike up if you like, but not long enough to keep down and straighten (up ye). I dreamt last night that I was being chased from someone, and I couldn't see where I was running cause my hair kept on going in my eyes.

This has convinced me to get my head shaved again.

(I kept on doing that slow motion running thing aswell, which is particularly annoying when being chased by an axe weilding Frenchman)

Edited by DJ Kutski
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I keep having really strange dreams. I'm sure my subconscious is trying to tell me something, but I'm too bloody thick to figure it out.

I keep having dreams that wake me up. I've started sleeping really, really light in the last few nights, so the slightest little thing just wakes me up. I was trying to have a nap one afternoon last week (which I hate doing because it throws my body clock off and I feel like shit after, but needs must) and I saw someone walk into my room, stand over me and say "Hey, I'm dead". Now, either it was just a stupid dream, or I've become a medium suddenly. I think likely the former, but you never know. I've had that a few times (someone comes and says something to me which wakes me up, but they don't usually announce that they're dead), but the most annoying thing now is at night where something is waking me up, but I don't know what. I could be just drifting off nicely when suddenly I'm awake again. It's really getting on my nerves because it takes me bloody ages to even get to drift off in the first place.

Sorry to hear that Debs. That's awful. :(

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It's really getting on my nerves because it takes me bloody ages to even get to drift off in the first place.

I sometimes get that. I usually find that it's my body discharging itself of all the static electricity that i've built up over the day. It's kind of like a jolt.

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I was just reading the news and found out that a 17 year old I taught was killed in a car crash yesterday morning. Unbelievably sad. He was a really nice kid, really popular. He'd just finshed 6th year and was on his way to work. The others in the car were all ok, but he died at the scene. I'm gutted. :(

That is terrible, the roads up your way are bad for accidents. My friend was killed week before her 18th birthday, due to go to uni on navy scholarship, just seems such a waste.

Edited by C.J
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Is it possible to use the word cute and not sound like a creep? :lol:

It's the best word to describe her. She's not out and out great looking, but she has a certain attractive quality about her.

The sort of girl you'd be happy enjoy watching films with while cuddling on the sofa, rather than wanting to hastily remove her clothes and pannel her.

Edited by Fudge
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It's the best word to describe her. She's not out and out great looking, but she has a certain attractive quality about her.

The sort of girl you'd be happy enjoy watching films with while cuddling on the sofa, rather than wanting to hastily remove her clothes and pannel her.

probably the best description would be she would get pumped

she would get pumped is a term of enderment when the girl is not an out and out stunner but has enough attractive qualitys about her that you would give her 1

QUOTE (Fudge @ Aug 13 2009, 10:41)

She would get pumped, so I'll let her off.

See how much better that reads already

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I keep having dreams that wake me up. I've started sleeping really, really light in the last few nights, so the slightest little thing just wakes me up. I was trying to have a nap one afternoon last week (which I hate doing because it throws my body clock off and I feel like shit after, but needs must) and I saw someone walk into my room, stand over me and say "Hey, I'm dead". Now, either it was just a stupid dream, or I've become a medium suddenly. I think likely the former, but you never know. I've had that a few times (someone comes and says something to me which wakes me up, but they don't usually announce that they're dead), but the most annoying thing now is at night where something is waking me up, but I don't know what. I could be just drifting off nicely when suddenly I'm awake again. It's really getting on my nerves because it takes me bloody ages to even get to drift off in the first place.

Sorry to hear that Debs. That's awful. :(

You're Bruce Willis (I saw the film as well)

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