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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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You should try getting a carryout for the journey, it makes watching shite football a bearable experience.

The only reason I'm going is because I've never seen us play there. And the 'cargo' option is out of the window unless my dad brings along a bottle of Dog, which is most unlikely.

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Guest The Phoenix
Lots of shitty nappies today... Nevermind, Daddy's home now, so he can deal with any from now until bedtime!

Did Daddy have pennies in his pockets for Callum? :unsure:

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see, I'd tend to agree but your quote merely says she got married, divorced and married again -that in and of itself doesn't make you a hhb.

'meant to be happy'? sound like some one has had a word......they'll now be in A&E! :lol::lol:

Just, but lets face it there isn't enough bandwith to list all the reasons she's so horrible!

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Lots of shitty nappies today... Nevermind, Daddy's home now, so he can deal with any from now until bedtime!

How are you finding it without Ryan? Lyn-Marie goes to College a week on Monday and I am a wee bit scared at having Charlie allto myself every day. Going to take him swimming and will maybe give those classes a go that the local councils put on, you know the ones where all the kids start clapping their hands at some pleb telling stories, and the middle aged saddo parents sit around pretending their lives are not shit? Tjose ones. :(

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They're horrible! I sold my ESP and bought a Gibson SG in a fit of brilliance a couple of years ago because I'd had enough of them.

I'm considering that. Tuning is absolute murder. I put in new strings so they're still stretching out and, of course, they detune between me playing them. But when I try and tune them back up, the increased tension pulls the bridge up and the bottom strings detune, so I have to tune them again so the top strings detune.... :angry:

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The only reason I'm going is because I've never seen us play there. And the 'cargo' option is out of the window unless my dad brings along a bottle of Dog, which is most unlikely.

You can't be playing that badly then. :lol:

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How are you finding it without Ryan? Lyn-Marie goes to College a week on Monday and I am a wee bit scared at having Charlie allto myself every day. Going to take him swimming and will maybe give those classes a go that the local councils put on, you know the ones where all the kids start clapping their hands at some pleb telling stories, and the middle aged saddo parents sit around pretending their lives are not shit? Tjose ones. :(

It's fine actually! I was a bit worried about him going back to work, but we're getting into our own wee routine. It is a bit of a nightmare trying to get a shower sometimes though!

To buy Callum a cone!

Still don't get it. Is this some weird central belt thing?

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It's fine actually! I was a bit worried about him going back to work, but we're getting into our own wee routine. It is a bit of a nightmare trying to get a shower sometimes though!

Still don't get it. Is this some weird central belt thing?

I'm looking forward to it, should be a good laugh, just the guys. I'm such a cool dad. B)

It must be. It's a rhyme. My Mum sings it to my son. I don't think LM knew what it was either. Can't remember how it all goes, perhaps the Phoenix can tell you.

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How are you finding it without Ryan? Lyn-Marie goes to College a week on Monday and I am a wee bit scared at having Charlie allto myself every day. Going to take him swimming.....

While you're round there you might as well go into the park and show him the animals if it's a nice enough day. It doesn't cost anything and when I took my nephew, he seemed to enjoy himself.

Although I doubt your wee one would really see the attraction. He's still quite young, isn't he?

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While you're round there you might as well go into the park and show him the animals if it's a nice enough day. It doesn't cost anything and when I took my nephew, he seemed to enjoy himself.

Although I doubt your wee one would really see the attraction. He's still quite young, isn't he?

8 months, but we've taken him once before. He seemed happy enough and the fresh air does him the world of good.

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Clappa clappa handies

Daddy's coming hame

Pennies in his pocket

For a good wee wean.


Clappa clappa handies

Daddy's gone a hunting

To get a little rabbit skin

To put little ???? in

In my day like

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That one is:

Cry baby bunting

Daddy's gone a-hunting

He's gone to get a rabbit skin

To put the baby bunting in

According to the wife and pal i'm correct :P Different toon i guess

Always liked

Round and round the garden

Like a teddy bear

A one step, a two step

And a tickly under there


Clap a hands for daddy coming down the wagon way

With a pocket full of money and a bag full of hay

god i miss this type of thing, when they're older they just grunt or ignore you. Enjoy, time flies in too quick when their young

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Guest The Phoenix

Dance tae yer daddy,

Ma bonnie laddie,

Dance tae yer daddy, ma bonnie lamb!

An ye'll get a fishie

In a little dishie,

Ye'll get a fishie, whan the boat comes hame.

Dance tae yer daddy,

Ma bonnie laddie,

Dance tae yer daddy, ma bonnie lamb!

An ye'll get a coatie,

An a pair o' breekies,

Ye'll get a whippie, an a soople Tam.

Nought to do with PTTGOYN but what the heck.

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