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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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My boss pulled a sicky today so i have had to do all the work. Actually this maybe should be in the RTBC because i have this over him know and it has been quiet,so i haven't actually done much. And i am going to leave 20 mins early...

Edited by capybara
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I can see where you're coming from on this one . I'm sorry Lee Evans fans but Norman Wisdom was doing this pish years earlier , funnier , and without the foul language Evans seems to rely on more and more to get a laugh. The cheap option for Comedy Central seems to be flog the dead horse , however once popular , rather than splash money on any new shows or up and coming talent.

Good luck with your blood soaked letter. By the way , the head of Comedy Central is a Mr. Grrrrrrriimmmmmsdale. ;)


Ta for your support.

However with a name like that perhaps the blood thing is a bad idea, I think I'll take the high road and write it in cat faeces instead.

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Hows it not. Ur not doing it for teh whole time are u!!

Simply put, and by your spelling and grammer you 'll need it done that way, we were asked to provide a Queue Monitoring Sample as follows -

1. Three days a week, and at least one of those must be a weekend day, we time people in the EEA and Non-EEA queue at least ten times during that day. A minimum of three days per working week must be monitored; ergo, a minimum of 60 readings per week, entered onto a spreadsheet and sent to HQ to ensure we are meeting our Customer Service Level Agreement's to Passengers in terms of waiting times - no longer than 25 minutes in the EEA queue, no longer than 45 minutes in the Non-EEA queue. We are a 'Small Port' and have never breached those parameters.

That was manageable, on top of all my other workload, and gave, as far as I understand it, a solid 'average' recorded performance time. Now we are being asked to -

2. Record people in both queue's every hour, twenty for hours per day, seven days per week to obtain the queue performance 'Sample'. There are several hourly periods where we do not have ANY flights arriving at all, FFS! Apparently, we have to record this as 'No Flights' in the comments section of the spreadsheet and it will still count towards our 168 weekly measurements! <_<

Now I'm not a great mathematician but I'm pretty sure that in example No.1, the same overall results would be produced as those in the labour-intensive example No.2.

If there is anyone with experience in statistical analysis who can back me up on this and help me to explain to anagement that they are using a sledgehammer to crack a nut, I'd be very grateful. It's a ridiculous waste of all our time (I am only on shift for 8 hours, so our other hard-pressed staff will have to cover for me at weekends and overnight on weekdays from 5pm to 8am).

We are all EXTREMELY pissed off at this new directive and if anyone can provide a statistical reason to counter this new instruction I will buy you drink until you cannot stand up anymore! :D

Actually, reading that back, even in simple English, I think I've probably lost JakeJones by the end of the first paragraph! :lol::rolleyes:

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Actually, I think not ;)

Why? Who is he? Seriously, I didn't even really think about the lad much before - until I read today about the age of his mother and thought "Hmm, that's odd. He's unlikely to be the 17 year old lad that I took him for then".

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Don't take this the wrong way, Kilt but I preferred your Pagan Pish, Blessed Be's and Candles to that mind numbing pile of crap. ;)

You're a Civil Servant - of course it's a mind numbing load of crap! :rolleyes: It's part of my job FFS! :(

Actually, I think not ;)

Really? You think so?

Hows it not. Ur not doing it for teh whole time are u!!

He doesn't come across as even semi-literate, TBH!

Why? Who is he? Seriously, I didn't even really think about the lad much before - until I read today about the age of his mother and thought "Hmm, that's odd. He's unlikely to be the 17 year old lad that I took him for then".

If he isn't and is older, that's sad indictment of our education system. ;)

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You're a Civil Servant - of course it's a mind numbing load of crap! :rolleyes: It's part of my job FFS! :(

Really? You think so?

He doesn't come across as even semi-literate, TBH!

If he isn't and is older, that's sad indictment of our education system. ;)

It's a fucking alias for god's sake :rolleyes:

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