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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I don't you care if one of your friends likes me. It doesn't mean you can't pull me!

One girl in general for me. Friday night stayed at a mates with my girlfriend (only been going out for a month) about 3 in the morning she woke up screaming. I near enough shat myself, she just asked me to "help help" I didn't know what to do so I gave her a hug, she then raged at me telling me to put on the light. So I did, turns out she is claustrophobic. Anyways yesterday we got up and I asked if she was still into going to the football (what a romantic I am) she said she didn't know anymore as she looked "Shit". So I just said I would take her home and then meet her later on, then she hit me with "Na drop me off in town so I can get a new phone". Now I dont understand how she can look "shit" at the football where she knows no one at all. However she can merrily go into town where she will see a whore load of people. I wouldn't of minded if she didn't want to go to the football at all but it would have been nice of her to tell me this rather than lie so I could have made alternative arrangements. So I took her home around 2 in the afternoon barely leaving myself enough time to get back through to Dingwall for the football. About half time she text me apologising for being stupid and wanted me to fire around after the game so we could do something. So I went after the game finished, got to hers and she was steaming. I asked how she planned to do something when she could barely stand. I just left at this point and went home. Bloody women, also broke my phone on the way home as I thought it would stay on my dashboard but decided to fly off <_<

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"My friend likes you so we can't get it on" = I think you're a nice guy and I don't have the bottle to tell you that I don't fancy you.

Just get rattled in aboot her pal.

Nah, she wanted to. She'd told her pals a few days ago that she was wanting to get off with me, but I didn't know and ended telling her the other day that another one of pals likes me. Then she went to me last night "I'll only pull you if friend doesn't like you anymore". I told her that she doesn't, but she needed confirmation that friend didn't. So we phoned her, and friend said she did. I am then accused of being a liar and being shouted at for the next hour. And to make it worse, the bitch still has my jacket.

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One girl in general for me. Friday night stayed at a mates with my girlfriend (only been going out for a month) about 3 in the morning she woke up screaming. I near enough shat myself, she just asked me to "help help" I didn't know what to do so I gave her a hug, she then raged at me telling me to put on the light. So I did, turns out she is claustrophobic. Anyways yesterday we got up and I asked if she was still into going to the football (what a romantic I am) she said she didn't know anymore as she looked "Shit". So I just said I would take her home and then meet her later on, then she hit me with "Na drop me off in town so I can get a new phone". Now I dont understand how she can look "shit" at the football where she knows no one at all. However she can merrily go into town where she will see a whore load of people. I wouldn't of minded if she didn't want to go to the football at all but it would have been nice of her to tell me this rather than lie so I could have made alternative arrangements. So I took her home around 2 in the afternoon barely leaving myself enough time to get back through to Dingwall for the football. About half time she text me apologising for being stupid and wanted me to fire around after the game so we could do something. So I went after the game finished, got to hers and she was steaming. I asked how she planned to do something when she could barely stand. I just left at this point and went home. Bloody women, also broke my phone on the way home as I thought it would stay on my dashboard but decided to fly off <_<

Who said romance was dead?

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I officially became too drunk to get served by half 1 this morning. The descent into the abyss accelerates.

I got there last week. It's shite.

I've had a howler of a week, and it looks like I'm about to have another stinker next week too. Nothing is going right, it's really getting on top of me now. About 50% of it is my fault, and I take responsibility for that, but it's the other 50% that's really annoying me. I can't do anything about that!

A few things have happened in the last few days which have prompted a quick change a character. I've decided to be more honest, brutally honest, perhaps. I tested it out a short while ago and it didn't go down so well. It was quite nice though!

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Fresh in my mind after watching the tennis yesterday but its bugged me for a while. I hate it when doubles players go out of their way to touch each others hands after EVERY point regardless of whether they won or lost the point. It gets me angrier and angrier and has actually ruined doubles tennis for me. A very irrational thing to get on somebody's nerves, I must admit

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What happened? Is it isolated to your box or is it 'Sky Wide'?

No sure what happened turned it on and the screen is just blue and my dad didnt get much luck phoning them, in the end I think someone is coming out to fix it but not for 3 days :(

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