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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Do you not go to any social activities? 16 is a bit old for the youth clubs and that but you should start getting on the supporters bus to the away games and the like. Plenty of folk on there to get chatting to and the main attraction of being there(Forfar!) - will give you plenty to chat about and confidence should increase. I'd be saddened if you had to pay for this confidence tutor you seek when you could help yourself.

Yeah, chatting to folk when you can talk about the same subject that you both like will get confidence up no bother.

FAFC; drink a bottle of buckfast or something then the days of fannying about with headphones are a distant past.

I too am 16, and wouldn't say I'm the most confident of people about, but I could definetly speak to someone if I wanted too. I would also agree it'll probably get easier as you get older.

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It's going to get worse when the wife sees you slagging her off online :lol:

It's somewhat comforting to see that your old man uses the same "parenting" technique as mine <_<

Most of my pals are the same, it's either a generational thing or a Scottish thing, who knows?

No bloody gratitude some folk..they are just taking advantage of your good nature..

I'm not good natured though, that's likely why they're all mumping. :lol:

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yeah, i do

i actually never asked for one, my old confidence tutor said to my course tutor that i should get another confidence tutor

i got told on the first week that i would get one the next week, its now been 3 weeks since that was said

because i have really low self-esteem

no :lol:

dont think id get let into a pub, im 16 :lol: and i dont drink anyway


wat an utter gimp

nae wonder socities in such a mess when wee limp dicked virgins start greeting about not having someone to tell them there not a loser.


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I still dont have a confidence tutor <_<

I agree that relying on a confidence coach is only going to set you back. The best thing for you would be to jump in at the deep end, swim like f**k and build confidence from the fact that you didn't drown.

Metaphorically speaking of course. I don't want the guilt if it transpires that you did actually throw yourself in the deep end and drowned.

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Kilt, you do realise your meant to work at work? Same with the Hearts fan...

Work is spasmodic as it's determined by flights so between 10:00 and 12:30 there is only one flight so I have spare time to do other things. If it helps, I have just spent the past 2 hours on my feet dealing with 10 flights and 1,736 passengers, as the Mahon ran into the 14:10 Berlin.

Although why I'm justifying myself to you, I don't know! <_<

That will be me then....

Aye, most likely, Capy. Do you want to slag him for being a sanctimonious p***k or shall I? :unsure:


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As today seems to be my day for reviewing things, I've had to decamp to a student lab to test some practicals. They really are a greasy lot down in the labs.

Although I look as scruffly as f**k today anyway. Nearly a week unshaven, scraggly hair, casual clothes. Not a good luck for being seen in public.

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I wasn't meaning what are you doing on here, I am at work myself.

I was more meaning, the fact it is busy surely means job security?

Ah, but thinking that would mean that he couldn't have a good moan at folk. It really pisses me off when folk moan at how busy they are at work. Don't like it? Find another fucking job.

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Ah, but thinking that would mean that he couldn't have a good moan at folk. It really pisses me off when folk moan at how busy they are at work. Don't like it? Find another fucking job.

I don't mind folk saying that. It does get stressful if you are normally in an office of say 6, and 3 are off sick.

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Been out on the piss recently?

I wish. Got the flu at the moment. I've been rushing to the toilet every 20 minutes for the past 3 days to empty my bowels but I'm feeling a bit better now and I've got the the stage where there's nothing left in there. But every 20 minutes I still get this pain in my stomach like I need a huge shit, run the toilet and I have work hard to push out some unsatisfying wee skoosh of shite. :(

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I wish. Got the flu at the moment. I've been rushing to the toilet every 20 minutes for the past 3 days to empty my bowels but I'm feeling a bit better now and I've got the the stage where there's nothing left in there. But every 20 minutes I still get this pain in my stomach like I need a huge shit, run the toilet and I have work hard to push out some unsatisfying wee skoosh of shite. :(

Keep drinking water with some salt in it to flush out your kidneys.

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