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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I was right. The card doesn't work. Phoned them AGAIN and was phone for 20 mins. Problem could not be resolved.

The manager phoned me back, was a right p***k. He said he would send a new viewing card as this one sounded as if it's faulty. It'll take 3-5 working days!!!!!!!!! After almost 3 whole weeks of phong them, this was meant to be the final stage of getting this fixed!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't think so, I'm phoning cable tonight. What a load of shite Sky are. Fucking arseholes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(I'm pretty angry :( ) .............................

and breathe.

I'm not saying that you have done this but the amount of folk I've dealt with on Freesat who didn't have their card in the right slot was terrible.

Going to cable is cutting off your nose to spite your face.

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I don't know then. If you are actively seeking work then I can't see why your Dad would want to kick you out. As for the job centre, I think you can sign on but you won't get as much cash as you would if you were 18. Not 100% sure though, you are probably best asking The Phoenix.

If you are worried about getting kicked out by your Dad, why not sit down with him and tell him that you are trying to get a job, show him what you are doing. Why not ask him for help preparing a CV? Also, does he support your decision of going into the Armed Forces? If so, tell him that it won't be very good preparation for you to be homeless before you sign up.

Talk to him. ;)

It's a long long story to tell but basically because I left school he lost his CSA and that's what he's pissed about. He knows im trying and being knocked back but instead he'd rather heap on the pressure by putting deadlines before I get chucked out. He does support it! I wish the Army could of given me a sooner date, this is gash. I try talking to him but he's toally under the thumb. He's a shitebag, all he wants is money so he can shut his girlfriends fat moaning puss up.

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It's a long long story to tell but basically because I left school he lost his CSA and that's what he's pissed about. He knows im trying and being knocked back but instead he'd rather heap on the pressure by putting deadlines before I get chucked out. He does support it! I wish the Army could of given me a sooner date, this is gash. I try talking to him but he's toally under the thumb. He's a shitebag, all he wants is money so he can shut his girlfriends fat moaning puss up.

Kick her in the fanny then. If they are going to kick you out, it may as well be for a worthy reason.

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2 English essays to do for tomorrow and I have not read one of the books at all. Watched the film of the book though so that helps a little. But still :angry:

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People with hairy moles. I can't understand anyone who would leave the house, especially a woman, with 2 inch long hairs (that look like pube hairs) hanging off a hairy mole on their chin. DO they never look in the mirror or something? At least trim it once a month ffs!

For years, one of my gran's pals had a 'tache. Not even just a few wispy hairs, it looked like the one Kris Boyd had in last years Scottish Cup final. Nobody mentioned it to her until last year, when she finally waxed it and was grateful that someone told her.

I refuse to believe she hadn't noticed it until that point.

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