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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Found out today I'd lost my bank card. Must've fell out my pocket at some point at the football on Saturday.

Went into a branch of my bank to report it, and the woman asked where I had it last.

I could only answer, 'It could be anywhere between here and Peterhead'. I think at that point she knew there had been drink involved. :lol:

You alkie!*

*it's an internet forum. I am taking the piss. Please do not take a break from posting

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Found out today I'd lost my bank card. Must've fell out my pocket at some point at the football on Saturday.

Went into a branch of my bank to report it, and the woman asked where I had it last.

I could only answer, 'It could be anywhere between here and Peterhead'. I think at that point she knew there had been drink involved. :lol:

7-10 days to get a new one. Surely in the year 2009, this process can be hastened up somewhat.

I had to destroy mine on Monday after it was used fraudulently by persons not including myself. My new one arrived today. They told me 7 to 10 working days. :)

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Went into a branch of my bank to report it, and the woman asked where I had it last.

That's a 'mother' question, mine's superb at it.

'Where did you lose it?'

'I don't know, it's lost'...

Anyoo, some muppets are firing off fireworks over the park at 00.50 and I have now woken up. :angry:

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Our heating broke yesterday so my dad phoned me this morning to tell me I had to wait in on a plumber [who might not actually be here till tomorrow] coming to fix it.

That would be fine, other than being bored and freezing, but I only got an hours sleep last night so I'm knackered and the plumbers he phoned is the one my ex works for, we didn't exactly end well and I've avoided having to speak to him since we finished, I really, really hope they don't send him. I'm hoping the football on Saturday will make up for today being crap though. B)

That's all unfortunate etc but A DECENT LOOKING BIRD BRECHIN FAN - Where did you come from?

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