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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Guest The Phoenix
nah, i didnt think you were, i was just annoyed cos i have done everything they've said

They keep saying 'oh, you'll grow out of it' - i've had it since i was 10 <_<

I guess worrying about it doesn't help - a bit like Kilt and his insomnia but far more impactive.

All the best, wee man.

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It sounds like they got it mixed up with wetting the bed.

I can never remember pissing the bed when I was younger (though I am sure I will have). Since I turned 19 I must have done it at least 5 times when i've come home slaughtered. Disgusting.

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I wasn't really a bed-wetter, although I do remember a couple of times when I was around eight or nine when I wet the bed because I couldn't be arsed getting up for a piss. Didn't really make sense as I had to get up and change the sheets afterwards. :lol:

Speaking of bedtime fluids, I had a wet dream a few months ago. It was fantastic. Felt like I was 14 all over again.

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Speaking of bedtime fluids, I had a wet dream a few months ago. It was fantastic. Felt like I was 14 all over again.

I never had one of them.I felt as if i was missing out.Although i guess after i had finished there wasn't much fuel left in the tank so to speak.

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My friend and her pathetic excuses.

On Saturday there she didn't go to the football because she "wasn't well", tomorrow it's her and my good friends birthday. She isn't coming down to Glasgow for it because she has an exam. Fair enough I thought, but it's not until MONDAY! I know she hates clubbing but I even offered not to go clubbing, and we would just come back to my flat but still she is refusing.

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My friend and her pathetic excuses.

On Saturday there she didn't go to the football because she "wasn't well", tomorrow it's her and my good friends birthday. She isn't coming down to Glasgow for it because she has an exam. Fair enough I thought, but it's not until MONDAY! I know she hates clubbing but I even offered not to go clubbing, and we would just come back to my flat but still she is refusing.

I imagine that the general and helpful consensus of the P&B massive will be 'kick her in the pie'.

I give it less than 11 minutes.

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I keep havin more and more seizures :( I'm never gonna get rid of this fuckin epilepsy <_<

My kid brother has epilepsy, and was also told he would grow out of it, but hasn't.

He doesn't have the big seizures often (although when he does he doesn’t come out of it like others and has to be rushed to A&E every time) but has a minor seizure which involves him becoming really stoned looking and acting strange at least every few days.

All the best, it’s annoying and can take a wee while to find the correct mixture of medication to control it, just keep pestering your GP

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Parents have basically replaced our Ford Ka and Rover 75. Mum's getting a newer Ford Ka on Friday and they're selling the old one on privately (minor nag number 1 I wouldn't have minded having it but for the insurance). Dad's getting a Jaguar XJ next week and has put down a deposit, trading in the Rover.

Major Petty Nag: After seven Rovers in succession, we'll probably never have one again. Massively underrated cars that I basically spent my whole childhood being driven around in. It's a wee bit sad. That said there was only ever going to be one make of car dad would have stopped buying Rovers for (had Rover not gone bust) and that was Jaguar.


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My mate just phoned me there to say he served DaMarcus Beasley today.

Fair enough, you say, but then he went into great detail, telling me how many shoes he bought, what size, what type, and even what his workmates reactions was to such a sale.


Okay, if you served Jennifer Morrison and she bought 9 pairs of shoes, and on the way out handed him a piece of paper with a phone number after saying "oh, this is for Toma", tell me that, but this? Come on.

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My friend and her pathetic excuses.

On Saturday there she didn't go to the football because she "wasn't well", tomorrow it's her and my good friends birthday. She isn't coming down to Glasgow for it because she has an exam. Fair enough I thought, but it's not until MONDAY! I know she hates clubbing but I even offered not to go clubbing, and we would just come back to my flat but still she is refusing.

She sounds rubbish.

A boy i used to hang about with was like this too. The annoying thing was though, that rather than just say he didn't want to, or couldn't be arsed, he would try and think up an excuse on the spot. "Erm, i wid but, eh, i've got to...go to my gran's". A different excuse every time.

Just tell the truth!

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She sounds rubbish.

A boy i used to hang about with was like this too. The annoying thing was though, that rather than just say he didn't want to, or couldn't be arsed, he would try and think up an excuse on the spot. "Erm, i wid but, eh, i've got to...go to my gran's". A different excuse every time.

Just tell the truth!

An old friend of mine used the deid gran trick... three times!

Oh how we laughed at the pathetic excuses he would throw at us.

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