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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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The fact that I used to have over 5000 posts and was therefore able to change the wee sentence thing under my avatar.

Then I discovered a year or so ago that I was back to just under 4000 and could not change it any more, and that it clearly wasn't the standard "Sunday league sub" type thing.

I often wonder if the Buzzer thinks that I believe him to be bad company - which is not the case - I just haven't been able to change it until I return to the lofty heights of 5000 (and I refuse to add pish to threads just to do this in a hurry).


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I was at the beach for work today, and the water was freezing, it was windy, it was overcast, and I didn't have a change of clothes so I was uncomfortably wet for most of the day. That and sand gets everywhere.

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The next time my car goes in for repairs, I must remember to immediately throw away the plastic seat cover the guys use to keep the seat clean, instead of stuffing it under the back of the seat.

Lovely weather today, sun out, nice and warm, I had the sun roof open and the windows down.

Doing 70 mph on the motorway, the circulating air in the car catches the plastic and blows it up like a parachute, next thing it's up over my head driving at 70 and it looks like the air bag has deployed.

To say that I had a bowel movement is putting it mildly, on the positive side, I have the weekend off and back to work on tuesday.

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See when you drive a round trip of 1010 miles to an interview (yes I'm submitting an expenses claim and yes there was an overnight stay involved) which starts at 8am and last most of the day, and then drive back home with the promise that they will 'phone you to let you know either way that evening'

and then the don't?

that'd be annoying enough yes?

you know, *that* I'm almost willing to accept. these things happen I was still driving till 1.20 am -I had oil issues which I had to improv solve en route but that's another story.

You know what my not quite P TTGOMN?

I *called* them this afternoon, 'oh, right yes, X will get back to you later tonight. he's in a meeting till 9pm'

,,,,,its 1.15 am now.

Now if I didn't get it, I'm submitting a fucking massive expense claim -fully receipted- and it was good experience of an english teaching interview -involving a demo lesson- and all of that tick, that's ok. I mean I'd like to get it -well at the moment I'll sleep on it. It's the utter contemptuous lack of thought/regard I'm being held in here, either phone me like you said -twice now- you said you would or don't. But don't say you will then don't!

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2 things from shopping last night. People who plough a big trolly into the self serve tills that are basket only...and the other girl who was involved in a long call on her mobile, so incapable of proccesing any more than 1 item every 2 mins. :angry:

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2 things from shopping last night. People who plough a big trolly into the self serve tills that are basket only...and the other girl who was involved in a long call on her mobile, so incapable of proccesing any more than 1 item every 2 mins. :angry:


I work in a supermarket and the amount of folk that can't read "15 items or less" is unreal. In fact, customers in general are annoying wankers.

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See when you drive a round trip of 1010 miles to an interview (yes I'm submitting an expenses claim and yes there was an overnight stay involved) which starts at 8am and last most of the day, and then drive back home with the promise that they will 'phone you to let you know either way that evening'

and then the don't?

that'd be annoying enough yes?

you know, *that* I'm almost willing to accept. these things happen I was still driving till 1.20 am -I had oil issues which I had to improv solve en route but that's another story.

You know what my not quite P TTGOMN?

I *called* them this afternoon, 'oh, right yes, X will get back to you later tonight. he's in a meeting till 9pm'

,,,,,its 1.15 am now.

Now if I didn't get it, I'm submitting a fucking massive expense claim -fully receipted- and it was good experience of an english teaching interview -involving a demo lesson- and all of that tick, that's ok. I mean I'd like to get it -well at the moment I'll sleep on it. It's the utter contemptuous lack of thought/regard I'm being held in here, either phone me like you said -twice now- you said you would or don't. But don't say you will then don't!

Maybe theyre trying to let you down gently.

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Maybe theyre trying to let you down gently.

then its like a plaster. a simple swift, no thanks, no harm or foul, fair enough here's my expense claim thanks for the experience. but its this 'we'll call you later' and then not, that's pissed me right off.

not least because criticism regardless of painfulness is useful to the reflective practitioner.

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I had to "urgently" (their words) go to HR with my passport today and show evidence that I was entitled to work in the UK because of the immigration act. I mean, putting aside the fact that they've been paying me and so presumably have my NI number, my bank details, address and christ knows what else, there is also the thing that I've been working here since 2007, and a student since 2003, so is it not a little late to demand evidence?

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I had to "urgently" (their words) go to HR with my passport today and show evidence that I was entitled to work in the UK because of the immigration act. I mean, putting aside the fact that they've been paying me and so presumably have my NI number, my bank details, address and christ knows what else, there is also the thing that I've been working here since 2007, and a student since 2003, so is it not a little late to demand evidence?

... are you not also... you know... a UK Citizen...

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I had to "urgently" (their words) go to HR with my passport today and show evidence that I was entitled to work in the UK because of the immigration act. I mean, putting aside the fact that they've been paying me and so presumably have my NI number, my bank details, address and christ knows what else, there is also the thing that I've been working here since 2007, and a student since 2003, so is it not a little late to demand evidence?

maybe HR have been reading PnB and have concluded that you are Fabio in disguise :P

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I'm in the process of getting my American Express card transferred from the UK to the USA. One thing I have to do is get a letter from the Social Security office stating that my social security number is... my social security number. The fact that I have a social security card which has my number and my name on it isn't quite enough.

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I'm in the process of getting my American Express card transferred from the UK to the USA. One thing I have to do is get a letter from the Social Security office stating that my social security number is... my social security number. The fact that I have a social security card which has my number and my name on it isn't quite enough.

I didn't think a SSC was a form of ID now? :unsure:

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