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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Phone me former secondary school as I need as course code for a subject for UCAS and they told me they would phone back shortly with the code, that was on monday and I've still heard nothing back.

You're still filling in those bloody UCAS forms?

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When flatmates use the sink as some sort of dumping ground for dirty dishes. I can't fucking wash my dishes now.

Why don't you just take their dirty dishes out of the sink and then clean the sink and wash your own dishes? Your just making more mess by not washing your own dishes.

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People who take it as an insult when you I.D them for age related goods and then start abusing/shouting at you. Wankers.

Never abused anyone but I muttered 'f**k sake' and walked away when I got IDed at the bookies on Saturday morning. Now the wifey probably thinks I'm under 18 as a result of not putting up a fight at all. Once they ask, there is no way back. I'm twenty fucking eight and pop in most weekends but because it's Freshers Week they're all at it.

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Never abused anyone but I muttered 'f**k sake' and walked away when I got IDed at the bookies on Saturday morning. Now the wifey probably thinks I'm under 18 as a result of not putting up a fight at all. Once they ask, there is no way back. I'm twenty fucking eight and pop in most weekends but because it's Freshers Week they're all at it.

I don't know if its the same in the bookies but if someone sells alcohol to an underager then they are personally liable. The shop gets punished too but the actual sales person can go to jail/ get fined for it---can't really say I blame them for being overly paranoid.

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Aye, I can understand that. It's just a sad state of affairs when you need to fork out £20 and apply for one of those shitty teeny bopper citizen card things at my age just because you can't get a drivers licence and don't want to take a passport on an away day. I know Fife's a separate kingdom and all but come on. At the moment I might just have to bite the bullet and get one of those cards. I can't go anywhere and buy booze with my brother these days. He's 22 and has ID but because if he gets IDed around me then for some reason they need to ID me as well.

"I know you're well over 18 but I still need to ask because I asked him" - young bint at Aldi in last month when I got off the packed, boozeless East Coast train to grab some beers and grab the next quiter train up to Aberdeen which also never had a trolley!!! :(

Edited by Hedgecutter
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