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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Some geriatric fanny driving at 55 mph on the A77 fast lane, with the inside lane completely clear. I go to undertake the cobweb-chinned cadaver and he pulls in. I slam on the brakes and pull into the fast lane. He quickly swerves back into the fast lane. I move inside and shoot past him, giving him a friendly wave (so to speak :ph34r: )

Then i watch in my rear-view mirror as he does exactly the same with the car that was behind me. Only a matter of time before the old coot causes a serious accident. :angry:

I hate slow drivers on the motorway :angry: I don't mean the 65 brigade but my van is limited to 62MPH so if i i am in the fast lane that becomes the limit of the motorway. I flew past a few cars today who i'm guessing were doing no more than 55MPH ffs.

Whilst i'm on driving i've noticed lately the standard of driving on todays roads is appaling. It seems indicating is now optional and reverse parking is something you only do on your test.

Last week in ASDA i watched in amazement as a woman went in and out a space 8 or 9 times she was that determined to park frontways. I drove up beside my space and slotted it in 1st time in reverse, eat that bitch. She had a good 15 years on me and insurance companies will tell you shes a better driver, my left baw.

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The point was that the date had bugger all to do with it.

To be fair I didn't really read his post as only a moron would buy a new passport when his existing one is still in date. They are extremely expensive when a citizen card is £20 or something. Ridiculous suggestion.

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To be fair I didn't really read his post as only a moron would buy a new passport when his existing one is still in date. They are extremely expensive when a citizen card is £20 or something. Ridiculous suggestion.

Well, you wouldn't buy a second one, I wouldn't buy a second one, but there are plenty of people that have two for whatever reason.

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I hate slow drivers on the motorway :angry: I don't mean the 65 brigade but my van is limited to 62MPH so if i i am in the fast lane that becomes the limit of the motorway. I flew past a few cars today who i'm guessing were doing no more than 55MPH ffs.

Whilst i'm on driving i've noticed lately the standard of driving on todays roads is appaling. It seems indicating is now optional and reverse parking is something you only do on your test.

Last week in ASDA i watched in amazement as a woman went in and out a space 8 or 9 times she was that determined to park frontways. I drove up beside my space and slotted it in 1st time in reverse, eat that bitch. She had a good 15 years on me and insurance companies will tell you shes a better driver, my left baw.

And of the few can be arsed to indicate, very few do it when there are no other cars about. I saw a girl the other day almost hit when she was crossing the road just next to a junction only for a driver to swerve in, slam on the breaks and give her hell. As far as I'm concerned, if the driver doesn't indicate, then you can be forgiven for thinking they're driving straight on. I live just along from a roundabout and crossing the road off of it can be a nightmare for the same reason. Just indicate when you're coming off, please!

Edited by Hedgecutter
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Well, you wouldn't buy a second one, I wouldn't buy a second one, but there are plenty of people that have two for whatever reason.

I considering getting a second one last year as it was a pain in the arse for work sending your passport off for business visas when you were meant to be in Stavanger the next week. Sometimes I just had to go to the embassy in London in person to get it put through in time (except from the time when some wifey on the embassy phone said come down to get it done on the day when they didn't actually provide a one day service. Stupid bitch)

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And of the few can be arsed to indicate, very few do it when there are no other cars about. I saw a girl the other day almost hit when she was crossing the road just next to a junction only for a driver to swerve in, slam on the breaks and give her hell. As far as I'm concerned, if the driver doesn't indicate, then you can be forgiven for thinking they're driving straight on. I live just along from a roundabout and crossing the road off of it can be a nightmare for the same reason. Just indicate when you're coming off, please!

I had a serious accident a few years ago that resulted in a hospital stay because some chump didn't indicate.

Just as annoying I reckon are the ones who are in the slow lane and think that indicating gives them the right to move into the fast lane immediately without looking, regardless of how many cars are already in that lane, 20 yards from them and going 10mph faster.

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And of the few can be arsed to indicate, very few do it when there are no other cars about. I saw a girl the other day almost hit when she was crossing the road just next to a junction only for a driver to swerve in, slam on the breaks and give her hell. As far as I'm concerned, if the driver doesn't indicate, then you can be forgiven for thinking they're driving straight on. I live just along from a roundabout and crossing the road off of it can be a nightmare for the same reason. Just indicate when you're coming off, please!

as far as the highway code is concerned, if she was already on the road when he is turning in, he has to wait!!

rule 170

i would have told him to F**k off

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And of the few can be arsed to indicate, very few do it when there are no other cars about.

This, this, a thousand times this.

Over here you can generally turn right (i.e. not across traffic - would be left in the UK) even if the light is red. Often this coincides with the pedestrian crossing being green. Now granted, most people aren't so foolhardy as to actually try being a pedestrian here, but those who are just take their lives into their hands every time they cross a bloody street, either because people take 'right turn on red' to mean that they can Starsky & Hutch their way around it without looking or because they don't indicate on residential streets.

The quality of driving, in my opinion, is far, far higher in the UK than it is much of the USA, probably because driving in much of the USA is so bloody easy due to wide roads and no pedestrians.

UK licenses aren't recognised in the USA - only Canadian and German licenses, if you're interested - so I had to sit a test over here. The 'road test' consisted, honestly, with no exaggeration, of driving two blocks, making an emergency stop, and a parallel park. It took less than 10 minutes. I got a bunch of minors - I didn't ask why - and a license. I could have passed that after around four lessons at home.

Edited by Swampy
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This, this, a thousand times this.

Over here you can generally turn right (i.e. not across traffic - would be left in the UK) even if the light is red. Often this coincides with the pedestrian crossing being green. Now granted, most people aren't so foolhardy as to actually try being a pedestrian here, but those who are just take their lives into their hands every time they cross a bloody street, either because people take 'right turn on red' to mean that they can Starsky & Hutch their way around it without looking or because they don't indicate on residential streets.

The quality of driving, in my opinion, is far, far higher in the UK than it is much of the USA, probably because driving in much of the USA is so bloody easy due to wide roads and no pedestrians.

UK licenses aren't recognised in the USA - only Canadian and German licenses, if you're interested - so I had to sit a test over here. The 'road test' consisted, honestly, with no exaggeration, of driving two blocks, making an emergency stop, and a parallel park. It took less than 10 minutes. I got a bunch of minors - I didn't ask why - and a license. I could have passed that after around four lessons at home.

I'd imagine the void of manual transmission cars across the pond contributes towards the above.

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My work are absolute c***s. The couple of hundred quids worth of overtime I was due (and had bookmarked for spunking away in Liechtenstein/Spain) they've neglected to pay me. All because it's left to one wee woman to do and she 'forgot'.

I'm now going to be totally fucking skinto when I next get paid. b*****ds.

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Someone accused me that my new passport was fake because it's a new one with a different layout from the old.

What really annoys me is when the person behind the counter or whatever gets really excited, thinks they're brilliant, then spend about a minute trying to work out the date then frowning when they realise I am 18. Happened to me in Ladbrokes the other week and the woman came up to me before I had the chance to lift the coupon up.

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UK licenses aren't recognised in the USA - only Canadian and German licenses, if you're interested - so I had to sit a test over here. The 'road test' consisted, honestly, with no exaggeration, of driving two blocks, making an emergency stop, and a parallel park. It took less than 10 minutes. I got a bunch of minors - I didn't ask why - and a license. I could have passed that after around four lessons at home.

I learned recently that in very rural areas of the U.S. some kids can get a 'hardship licence' to drive at 14. This seems scary.

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People who ask for things one at a time in the shop. I was behind a guy who put up a can of fizzy then after being told the price asked for cigarettes then being told the price asked for some matches. How hard is it to put the juice up and ask for cigs and matches at that point rather than wait for individual prices to be read out. It makes a transaction that should take a minute max take faaaar longer.

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