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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I'm only 22 but my tolerance for alcohol is diminishing at a startling rate.

Was always able to drink loads compared to most people but overnight I'm becoming a total lightweight.

Had a half bottle of buckfast and about 5 pints last night and I'm rough as f**k at 4pm. Would've drunk more than that before going out a few years ago.

Is this normal or do I have some sort of degenerative disease?

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I'm only 22 but my tolerance for alcohol is diminishing at a startling rate.

Was always able to drink loads compared to most people but overnight I'm becoming a total lightweight.

Had a half bottle of buckfast and about 5 pints last night and I'm rough as f**k at 4pm. Would've drunk more than that before going out a few years ago.

Is this normal or do I have some sort of degenerative disease?

just say that you were spiked.

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Some fucker getting interviewed outside Ibrox on five live just now moaning about the state of Rangers and that he's thinking about giving up his season ticket next year. Thing is he had a strong north east accent "ken fit ah meen, it's nae yeas the wy rangirs ar playin", really, stop glory huntin down to Glasgow then, oh that's right you are by giving up your season ticket if things don't get better. Clown.

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The complete lack of an integrated transport system in Scotland on a Sunday. :angry:

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Some bird on the bus behind me was on her phone when I was coming home from the game. She goes. 'Yeah, yeah, I was trying on Barbour jackets, but they're just not me'.


She prefers them from professional hairdressers' tbh.

I'll get my coat.


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Find out tomorrow if I'm getting made redundant :unsure:

I'll be OK either way I think. It's going to be a horrible day though.

I'm provisionally safe from redundancy. Has been a shit few days, a lot of good people being made redundant. :(

Absolutely, there isn't anything that can be done. I very much doubt that this guy would be able to produce a medical certificate though.

It's not the first time he's done this. Last year he asked for a couple of days off to be in for a plumber coming round, was turned down and then phoned in Pat Mick both days. Even worse, he was back in work the next day and was on the phone to them when he said "Listen, I had to take two days off work to be there for you coming round!", prompting a few knowing glances in the office.

The thing about this is, it's dropping your colleagues in it as we have to pick up his work. Also, we are all under threat of redundancy at the moment, what the f**k is the guy thinking of? Sickness records (specifically having lots of single days off) looks very bad on people's records.

The guy is a complete arsehole, to summarise. If you want to take one bullet point from this presentation, I'd take that.

Also, phoning in sick when obviously just looking for a day off hasn't worked out that well for the aforementioned. :whistle:ph34r:

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People who expect me to find their house for a home visit who have no number on the door, no name, nothing. I'm not fucking psychic, how am I supposed to find your hoose?

Honestly, this job has given me a new respect for posties, I'm astonished anybody gets any mail at all.

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People who expect me to find their house for a home visit who have no number on the door, no name, nothing. I'm not fucking psychic, how am I supposed to find your hoose?

Honestly, this job has given me a new respect for posties, I'm astonished anybody gets any mail at all.

We should double up and have posties carrying out doctorly duties or doctors delivering letters (you're a quack aren't you?). It would save time and money.

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I'm quite touched that four people greenied my post about being provisionally safe from redundancy. Either that or you are taking pleasure in my skivy colleague getting binned :lol:

how about showing some modesty instead of gloating that u kept your job ya bass

my pet peeve is people who have their phones on full volume at work when they could put it on vibrate. no need for it

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