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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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When you're just trying to find a website by asking how long you should microwave tatties for and the results are all a feckin essay on how to peel them, give a good scrub under warm water etc. F**k off Yahoo Answers Brigade. Somebody just tell me which goddamn number I need to push before hitting the OK button.

Edited by Hedgecutter
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Why would you ever microwave potatoes?

Putting the water in a pan is i) more effort and ii) more dishes. dry.gif

... well, they're those new potato things, I'm hungry now and by the time the water boils, I could be eating them. That and the above.

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When you're just trying to find a website by asking how long you should microwave tatties for and the results are all a feckin essay on how to peel them, give a good scrub under warm water etc. F**k off Yahoo Answers Brigade. Somebody just tell me which goddamn number I need to push before hitting the OK button.

It depends how long. If you're doing 2 tatties, then ten minutes seems to about do it. If you're doing four, then you need to give it longer, so I guess I would go by about 5 minutes per tattie. Essentially, if I can't stab them through with a knife after I've finished, they need a bit longer.

Why would you ever microwave potatoes?

Because its a good time saver! I much prefer tatties baked slowly in the oven (with olive oil and salt rubbed into the skin), but time dictates that I don't have the hour and a bit to kill when I get in, then I stick them in the oven to do them first. If I put them in the oven for 10 minutes, then they are perfectly fine, and to be honest, I can't think of anything else I actually use my microwave for. If I have time, I'll stick them in the oven for another 10 minutes, just to finish em off.

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Time to start looking for a new job I think. There are two of us in the warehouse and when one of us goes on holiday, one person has to do almost everything themselves. Head office and the "favourite" branches either have 3 folk or they get cover when needed.

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Due to that fact i'm expected high grades in most of my prelim exams (putting on the pressure) and the fact i'm usually a nervous person and have a low self-esteem i'm suffering from anxiety before exams and constantly throwing up mad.gif

Edit: anyone else get this because it's unlikely that it's normal

Edited by WFAANW
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Due to that fact i'm expected high grades in most of my prelim exams (putting on the pressure) and the fact i'm usually a nervous person and have a low self-esteem i'm suffering from anxiety before exams and constantly throwing up mad.gif

Edit: anyone else get this because it's unlikely that it's normal

If it's of any help to you - they don't matter one bit. Aren't the SQA scrapping appeals anyway? If so it renders them completely pointless. My prelim results in 4th and 5th year were utterly atrocious and everything worked out fine.

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People on the news acting shocked that the floodplain their house was built on... erm, flooded. "Nobody would give us home or contents insurance." No shit.

As much as I feel for these folk who have lost many of their possessions and can't afford to replace them, the general lack of awareness is shocking. How many folk find out where the nearest river, what elevation it is above it or whatever is before buying a house? "Ach, it's a good price and it's got a decent sized back garden for the kids. We'll take it."

I never have, nor ever will buy a house on/near a floodplane.

Exactly. I once had a huge argument with an isurancr compny over excessive premiums because my house was within 20m of a large river, well it was horizontally, but as I was about 50m above the water level I felt they were being a bit silly.

Edited by Raidernation
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19 boys are getting paid off at my work today and all the nightshift/dayshift boys that are going already have and although no one in my cell has went yet I am not sure if this is a bad or a good thing. I finally in a job I like and I am bricking it tbh, the worst thing is I don't start until 2 and I cant seem to get my mind off it :(

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