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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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The c***s at my work have decided that they are now allocating me a couple of days holiday. Normally when I get days in lieu, I can pick and choose when I take them, usually when I`ve got a midweek gig, or similar like the darts in Aberdeen in February. This time around they`ve just decided to give me next Friday and the following Friday off, which is of absolutely no use to myself. I was given zero notification by management & only found out as a fellow employee noticed. The boss? Aye on holiday for a fortnight, leaving some fill-in clown to answer our questions shrug his shoulders. mad.gif

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Explaining the difference between wifi and data connection every fuken single time she goes online on her phone.

My old mans just got an iPhone, he really can't grasp why he gets Internet in the house but not when he's on the go. Trying to explain to him that 3G and wifi are different every time is soul destroying.

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That's a good thing really. As someone who has worked shifts before I'm delighted to be back in a 9-5 job and still getting up around 8 or 9 in the morning on my day off. When I worked shifts I would finish at 11 at night and sleep all day, total waste.

I enjoy wasting days though, nothing I like better than the big ass yawn you get after 15 hours sleep biggrin.gif It does mean I actually do stuff though, like eat properly

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Just saw three kids in the back of a car and both parents are smoking in the front . Like a fuckin hibbee crack den it was !

Did they look like this?


EDIT: Christ that's creepier than I thought sad.gif

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Thought I'd have a wee nose on the wife's facebook and f**k me ! Saddos writing "you OK ***" and "hope you're OK chick" I mean wtf ! There are even people as friends that walk past her in the street. What a tedious place to be a member

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Why does this get on your nerves? Surely TC is 6'5" like Reacher??? Or why would they cast him? :ph34r:

He's 6ft 5in and built like a brick White House. This makes Tom Cruise, who's as short as Alan Ladd, unlikely casting. Though not bad in the right role, he's more cocky and devious than mysterious and unassailable. In his defence, however, Child has gallantly said: "With another actor you might get 100% of the height but only 90% of Reacher. With Tom you'll get 100% of Reacher with 90% of the height."

From the Guardian review. I never pictured Tom Cruise when i read a book. Just my opinion mind.....

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The sister in law phoned the wife today and asked what we are doing on New Year's Day, the wife told her that the Two of us are having steak pie for lunch, the sister in law says if we want we could take the steak pie down to her house so our nephew and the wife's brother in law could get a bit as well. What a fucking cheek!

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