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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I blew off a curry with workmates to spend the night with my girlfriend. Got home and alls fine until she starts cooking and cuts her finger. In my nice guy mode I hunt for plasters without success before fashioning one out of kitchen roll and sellotape. A little bit of blood starts showing on the kitchen roll as it soaks it up so I get told it needs more, I disagree. Next thing I know she's saying I was taking the piss and claimed I told her to man up, when in fact all I had said was "nah". So now I've no food getting cooked and shes locked herself in the bedroom in a mood which is likely to last a few days, meaning any plans for a night out tomorrow will also be sabotaged and I'll likely have to sleep in the spare room.

So aye, I agree

Evening Primrose Oil is said to be the thing to mitigate this type of situation.

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Bloody hell guys. Some of us been married 3 times (so far), you're just so much a bunch of wet fannies "ooooh better not upset her" american sit-com-type-wet-twats!

You're all whoever the wet c**t from Friends was that wanted to shag the one with the hair.


As a rule of thumb I don't take relationship advice from people on an Internet forum about football. I'm sure your advice was of the highest calibre though

And she apologised to me last night before going to bed. A stressful day at work caused her to seethe at the world and I was the first person she saw, so I'll take it on the chin since its almost Easter time and I'll possibly get an extra egg for this :D

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As a rule of thumb I don't take relationship advice from people on an Internet forum about football. I'm sure your advice was of the highest calibre though

And she apologised to me last night before going to bed. A stressful day at work caused her to seethe at the world and I was the first person she saw, so I'll take it on the chin since its almost Easter time and I'll possibly get an extra egg for this :D

Does she wear a blindfold at work?

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As a rule of thumb I don't take relationship advice from people on an Internet forum about football. I'm sure your advice was of the highest calibre though

And she apologised to me last night before going to bed. A stressful day at work caused her to seethe at the world and I was the first person she saw, so I'll take it on the chin since its almost Easter time and I'll possibly get an extra egg for this :D

Does she wear a blindfold at work?

Only for special requests ;)

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There's a very good chance that I'm going to miss the game that sees us win the league, providing we don't lose any games and Morton have another blip. I actually hope we lose a game so I don't miss it...

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Got my brother in law and his tribe staying with us for the week.


On a similar note, my Aunt (who stays in Essex) is coming to stay with us on Thursday.

She is a tad mental, and not in a good way.

Hate saying that about family but it's true :(

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On a similar note, my Aunt (who stays in Essex) is coming to stay with us on Thursday.

She is a tad mental, and not in a good way.

Hate saying that about family but it's true :(

It's horrific. There is five of them as well, three weans to destroy the place. It actually costs us a fucking fortune to feed the b*****ds, they never lift a finger to help clean the place either.

I fucking hate it. I will be working strange hours next week. <_<

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It's horrific. There is five of them as well, three weans to destroy the place. It actually costs us a fucking fortune to feed the b*****ds, they never lift a finger to help clean the place either.

I fucking hate it. I will be working strange hours next week. <_<

Do u need an apprentice :P
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Do u need an apprentice :P


The other petty thing that has got on my nerves is that I banked shitloads of wedge on Tuesday morning. All in cheques, and the fuckers won't clear until Thursday. f**k right off banksters! All the direct debits come merrily out during bank holidays of course. c***s

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Went to the shop for my morning papers and find something for lunch, walking past the crisps I see johnnies onion rings, a favourite from my youth, so I grab a packet, manage to walk home, and go to open them up, only to realise that I've picked up a bag of cheese & onion squares that some turd has placed in the onion rings.

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Apologies if this double banger has appeared in the previous 2,077 pages.

I must have the look of someone who needs a drink, so in a busy pub last night, I got served before the guy who was waiting before me. I graciously said, in a loud clear voice, that the chap next to me should be served first.

The p***k then proceeds to order an Oliver Reed sized drinks list, and doesn't even acknowledge my magnanimity.

Then to add insult to injury, the dopey barwench then completely dinghies me to serve a bunch of weans who'd just arrived.

Oh, and another one. I used the word "niggardly" at a party last night, only be told off by some arsehole about my racist language.

Bunch of fannies.

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