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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Had £30 stolen from me at work. Pretty sure of who it is but I have absolutely no proof.

Have reported it to management who, understandably can't do anything about it. The incident occured in an area without cameras.

Feel pretty stupid to have it occur, but also pretty pissed off someone would steal from a co-worker.

Shit on his desk.

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The vast majority of female drivers I've encountered are laughably bad.

The most recent one asking me if I was, "Having a laugh?" When I was parked about 2 metres away from blocking her drive.

She had a ridiculous amount of space but thought she'd be wide about it anyway. Erse.

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Just been invited to a stag doo,now this should be in the rtbc thread,but seeing as my friend/work mates live all over the world and the bloke whos stag it is lives in new orleans and i was thinking it will be in vegas,he is only having it in fucking glasgow/scotland as the invite says,fucking gutted i am

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Driving back from my mums office this morning, I realise whilst not 100% awake I've forgotten to turn off into Stockbridge. Cue me driving around Edinburgh for 20 minutes, during morning traffic, to eventually find Ferry Road from where I know how to get home.

So my PTTGOYN, being asked to do things when you're not meant to be up and awake. Never ends well.

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Just been invited to a stag doo,now this should be in the rtbc thread,but seeing as my friend/work mates live all over the world and the bloke whos stag it is lives in new orleans and i was thinking it will be in vegas,he is only having it in fucking glasgow/scotland as the invite says,fucking gutted i am


I mean, even with it's many faults, I love my city, but that's just taking the piss.

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Just back from a week in Majorca.

The holiday itself was relaxing and toasty, the commute was not.

My 1st problem started when I was getting ready to leave the house just as the rain started last Tuesday.

We have 2 stations near Falkirk town centre where we stay and were gonnae walk to Grahamston, the closest 1.

Now it's raining quite heavily we don't fancy the 10min walk and It's a bit close for a taxi trip. We decide to get a taxi to the further away High station, trains to Edinburgh are more regular and quicker there anyway.

Upon arrival in the capital we head up for the bus to the airport where we discover the bus stop has no shelter.

All my trying to avoid getting wet was a complete waste of time as I stand there getting wet.

Ironically there was a shelter there for the trams that was fenced off.

The bus arrives and I assume we have seen the last of any problems. Fat chance.

We get to the airport fairly early and the check in gate still isn't open so I buy a newspaper and she's quite thirsty so buys a couple of bottles of water. We find a seat and await the gate opening.

A short while later we see the gate is open and head round only to discover a lot of people have beaten us to it and the queue is now huge.

We eventually get checked in and head for the security where we are informed we cannot take her water through and will need to drink it or throw it, we drink as much as we can and throw it.

On the other side of the security checks we make for the large wetherspoons and get a seat and bite to eat.

I go to scratch my back and seemed to nick it as it started bleeding. Sadly I'm wearing a white shirt and trying my best not to dye it red with napkins.

After a while I decide I need a plaster as the bleeding just won't stop, so I head off for boots which is at the opposite end of the shopping area.

After a long walk and quick look I have the plasters and am standing at the checkout queue when I notice everyone is showing the lady there boarding passes, I see the sign saying 'no boarding pass no sale'.

She has them so I put the plasters back and make the long walk back to her.

I get the passes and make the long walk back to boots, get the plasters and I'm good to go.

After I return we notice our flight is delayed 2 hours and will be spending more cash than we realised whilst we wait.

Eventually our flight is called and we rad for the gate. After what seems like I've walked to Palma we arrive at Edinburgh airports furthest gate and another very long queue.

We board, fly and land and are back on track. Or so I thought.

After collecting our suitcase we head for our transfer. A quick wait and he points us in the direction of "number 17" Once more the furthest away transfer we could get.

I start to feel like the worlds fittest man by this point, having walked most of the way from Falkirk - Palma.

After locating our coach, the driver takes our luggage puts it in the hold and we board. After a full hour sitting there we are on our way and I finally start to look forward to getting into my room.

The transfer took another 90 mins and any plan to drop cases and go out are well and truly stuffed as It's now nearly 3AM and we are shattered.

It took about 14 hours to get from my house to my hotel room and I now hate the thought of travelling anywhere ever again. Sadly I do have to face it all in reverse and that journey wasn't much better.

Can't wait for my honeymoon in 10 months when I fly to Mexico, Vegas and New york.

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Yeah she was hosting that. Didn't even make it half way through one of her trademark weight-watchers "jokes"

I've got it on the background while doing homework. It's amazing that i can listen to a "comedian" while keeping a straight face.

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I managed to play only an hour of tennis in the glorious weather today, because of aggravating an injury. The injury is a tiny fragment of glass in my hand, it's been there 5 months and it flared up big style, meaning I couldn't hit my double handed backhand properly. Bloody frustrating, cause the walk in clinic x-rayed it and said there's nothing they can do and it'll eventually build a barrier around it do I won't feel a thing.

Well 5 months on and I'm still having problems with it, my left hand is partially black with bruising. :(

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People who sing

'Are we human, or are we DANCERS'

Not difficult, even for those of us who are multiple sandwiches short

My secondary school was "The Dance School of Scotland" and due to this, your class was full of fitties from Fife and other faraway lands. Every single one of them was stunning. They never understood that the word in the song was "denser" so they were even more stuck up and egotistical when that song was released.

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My secondary school was "The Dance School of Scotland" and due to this, your class was full of fitties from Fife and other faraway lands. Every single one of them was stunning. They never understood that the word in the song was "denser" so they were even more stuck up and egotistical when that song was released.

A search of two separate lyrics sites gives the lyric as "are we human, or are we dancer?". Are you suggesting it's not that?

Edit: Wiki confirms that it is "dancer" in reference to a comment by Hunter S Thomspn: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_%28The_Killers_song%29

Edited by Sweet Pete
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