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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Spam phone calls about PPI and shite like that. Getting them pretty much every day now from numbers beginning with 0845 and 0141. Tried blocking the numbers but they keep coming back with new ones <_<

Anyone else get this?

We get one every thirty minutes during working hours, on average. Sometimes more. Trails off a little after that. Worst was the one at 3am, which was presumably a robot that had malfunctioned. All calls get screened now.

Most annoying thing is that most of them are from robots - they banned those automatic diallers in the States back when they ran on tape, but yet they've been taking off here in the past few years. They need punted.

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We get one every thirty minutes during working hours, on average. Sometimes more. Trails off a little after that. Worst was the one at 3am, which was presumably a robot that had malfunctioned. All calls get screened now.

Most annoying thing is that most of them are from robots - they banned those automatic diallers in the States back when they ran on tape, but yet they've been taking off here in the past few years. They need punted.

Aye, I don't answer them anymore obviously, but when I did there often wasn't even anyone on the end of the phone when I picked up!

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I got an app for my phone called Truecaller. It automatically blocks anything that's been registered as spam, PPI, debt collection etc. I don't care what personal information it's stealing from me, it's fucking brilliant.

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Aye, I don't answer them anymore obviously, but when I did there often wasn't even anyone on the end of the phone when I picked up!

Aye, this. When some of them get the answer machine, they just continue with their pointless message, including the whole 'press 9 to get ripped off' bit. When you actually pick up, they just hang up immediately. WTF? :huh:

On other annoying phone calls, we used to get calls from a debt collection agency when we first got this number years ago. They'd want to speak to a Mr <name> at <address>, and were pretty aggressive about it. I tried explaining to them that I must have inherited this guy's old number from BT, and they'd always ask, "do you have any idea how we can get in touch with <name>?" Fucking morons :lol:

Eventually they tracked down our address from somewhere and started sending collection notices to our house, which I'd always return unopened with 'NOT AT THIS ADDRESS' written on. This went on for a couple of years until they gave up...until about five years later, when they sent another one, along with collection notices for another two randoms. God love them, they're certainly tryers :P

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