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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Wham get on my nerves, i like the music of alot of bands with the at the start of their name and also dislike alot of bands who dont have the at the start of their name.


The Beatles music - Tick

The fact that they have the at the start of their name - cross

They should have called themselves Four Beatles.

Edited by eggsandlarvae
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Why do companies like UPS and Vodaphone have Twitter help accounts? Every reply is "Email here". Even more infuriating as they've lost my fucking parcel.

Quick Question thread for this pish.

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My old team folded at the end of last season, I left a few seasons ago but a few of my mates still play for them, so we organised an old crocks v current side for one last game with the guys, get a few beers etc. Anyway, its been organised for 2 months, I booked the park and a ref for the game at a combined cost of £140. It's tonight and from 2 squads of 16 we're now down to about 24 guys, 4 call offs in in the last 3 hours. I don't understand why folk say they'll take part then call off at the last minute, pretty infuritating.

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Friday lunch and felt like a McDonalds and again got assisted by the stupidest person in the world.

Everybody goes in, forms a single queue and waits, as each server becomes free you go forward and get served,

and everybody is happy and served in order and not a hassle.

Today and a fortnight ago this cockwomble on seeing the single queue get to about 5 people starts moving people into different

queues at each till. End up behind the clowns that don't know what they want for each of the 36 kids they trying to feed,

a fortnight ago the person serving just buggered off as on a shift change or something.

The people who were behind me in the queue have all been served away by the time I served.

The single queue for multiple tills/servers works great in McDonalds and banks and elsewhere, why f**k around with it?

Back in the day when I worked for big Ronald and his motley crew it was all to do with the queue threatening to go out the door. When it got to a certain length (ooh er) a wee cleaner / 'C' List employee would go out and split the single queue into 4 or 5 - hence cramming more folk in the building, maximising profit, and making all our lives hell.

Hope this helps.

I find the same problem exists at some petrol stations. I personally like to keep my options open for as long as possible before committing to a pump (snigger) but my hand is usually forced by some tool behind me (no doubt hoping I'll make the wrong call and allow them to get one up on me (shakes angry fist in air)).

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My old team folded at the end of last season, I left a few seasons ago but a few of my mates still play for them, so we organised an old crocks v current side for one last game with the guys, get a few beers etc. Anyway, its been organised for 2 months, I booked the park and a ref for the game at a combined cost of £140. It's tonight and from 2 squads of 16 we're now down to about 24 guys, 4 call offs in in the last 3 hours. I don't understand why folk say they'll take part then call off at the last minute, pretty infuritating.

This wins for me as far as 'getting on your nerves' goes but I'd argue this complaint is far from petty. Fuckers with commitment issues are the bane of my life. Arseholes.

Unless a very close relative has died suddenly or you have caught a limb in some heavy machinery then you fucking turn up and play. End of.

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The word Reprobate......

Only ever used by boring wanks in bar to describe somebody else that wants a drink when they buying......

'Better get another pint, this reprobate wants one', normally followed by a tut.

Just stand your hand ya Bawbag

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The word Reprobate......

Only ever used by boring wanks in bar to describe somebody else that wants a drink when they buying......

'Better get another pint, this reprobate wants one', normally followed by a tut.

Just stand your hand ya Bawbag

What the fucking Christ is 'just stand your hand'?

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Relative to that PTTGOYN about queues above: I was in Asda at Garthdee, Aberdeen earlier on. It's a pretty big Asda so it has an entire floor upstairs which is just the home department, so my girlfriend and I picked up a few things for the flat. There were two things that bothered me about this visit;

First of all, we had picked our products and headed to the checkouts. There was one buy being served, two other customers in front of us and then ourselves. With one member of staff serving a customer, another member of staff completely ignored the queuing customers and continued to send a fucking email. Surely, she could have just put the email aside for a couple of minutes to do her job - serve customers.

The other thing that pissed me off, was that another ignorant wee shite of a customer had just bought a lamp, however the arsehole forgot to get a receipt with her purchase. So instead of waiting at the back of the queue again until it was her turn to be served, she jumped straight back to the front as if she had some kind of priority over the rest of us to be served because she forgot to ask for a fucking receipt.

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With one member of staff serving a customer, another member of staff completely ignored the queuing customers and continued to send a fucking email. Surely, she could have just put the email aside for a couple of minutes to do her job - serve customers.

Maybe she was the 'Everything's OK' employee. Y'know, the one that has to tell the boss that everything's OK every few minutes, or the ASDA hierarchy assume the outpost's been lost to the feral natives and launch the missiles.

The other thing that pissed me off, was that another ignorant wee shite of a customer had just bought a lamp, however the arsehole forgot to get a receipt with her purchase. So instead of waiting at the back of the queue again until it was her turn to be served, she jumped straight back to the front as if she had some kind of priority over the rest of us to be served because she forgot to ask for a fucking receipt.

You have to ask for a receipt at ASDA? :huh:

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Maybe she was the 'Everything's OK' employee. Y'know, the one that has to tell the boss that everything's OK every few minutes, or the ASDA hierarchy assume the outpost's been lost to the feral natives and launch the missiles.

I reckon she was a supervisor of some sorts. The guy actually doing his job was a young boy, possibly a student. The female sending an email was older, and one of these employees who feels that their higher job status means that they don't have to serve customers.

You have to ask for a receipt at ASDA? :huh:

I think it was a receipt she was after. Regardless, she should have waited at the back of the queue like everyone else. She obviously felt she was a higher priority of customer as she had just been served a few minutes previous. Scum.

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I reckon she was a supervisor of some sorts. The guy actually doing his job was a young boy, possibly a student. The female sending an email was older, and one of these employees who feels that their higher job status means that they don't have to serve customers.

Oh aye; ken those ones. There was a lassie that used to work at our local Lidl who would build herself a throne out of fizzy pop bottles and send orders to the other staff via text message :lol:

She doesn't work there anymore.

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Oh aye; ken those ones. There was a lassie that used to work at our local Lidl who would build herself a throne out of fizzy pop bottles and send orders to the other staff via text message :lol:

She doesn't work there anymore.

:lol: Worstcunt. I mind getting a cup of tea from Costa a few weeks ago and there was one of these supervisor-types standing there with a pen and a clipboard taking notes of the staff members making fucking coffee.

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Also when ever I talk to someone about football, they always act 'surprised' when I tell them that I don't support either of the old firm. It's surely not that unknown for someone to support a non-old firm team.

Can mind being at a Scotland game a couple of years ago and me and my mate were pretty disgruntled with Miller, Naismith and some other The Rangers (or ex) player. Two knuckle-draggers sat in front of us turned around at one point and said "It's obvious you two are Celtic fans". I was raging and then pretty shocked that folk have that type of mindset. I said to them that I was a Queens fan as believe it or not there are more than two teams in Scotland and just because someone slags a The Rangers player doesn't mean they're a Celtic fan. Fucking idiots.

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:lol: Worstcunt. I mind getting a cup of tea from Costa a few weeks ago and there was one of these supervisor-types standing there with a pen and a clipboard taking notes of the staff members making fucking coffee.

It's bad enough clowns that are so busy and important they need to bring coffee on the train in big daft silver mugs, then there's ones with big paper cups on the street. But a tit came out of a coffee shop with a fucking thimble sized cup of espresso.
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Tesco at Hermiston Gait were having a disco/karaoke at the entrance today, with staff and customers invited up to have a go singing. Absolutely blaring and could barely hear myself ask the woman at the tobacco for 20 JP's.

Then as I was waiting on my change, some absolute fucking melvin actually went up and started singing the most half-arsed attempt at Rock n Roll Star by Oasis. Worst of it was, he appeared to be on his own so it wasn't even like he was even trying to amuse anyone he was in with.

Fucking weird scenario all round.

How was JamamaFegan's singing?

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It's bad enough clowns that are so busy and important they need to bring coffee on the train in big daft silver mugs, then there's ones with big paper cups on the street. But a tit came out of a coffee shop with a fucking thimble sized cup of espresso.

Seen a few of them too. Always wanted to ask these folk if they take their shot of tequila back to their table.

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