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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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People who have the cold or flu but are too stubborn to take anything for it, meaning everyone else ends up with it.

TBF to those with the flu, if they have it then they are unlikely to pass it on as there is no way they can get out of bed. Anyone who is Walking About saying they have the flu has never had the flu!

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TBF to those with the flu, if they have it then they are unlikely to pass it on as there is no way they can get out of bed. Anyone who is Walking About saying they have the flu has never had the flu!

How else do you make it to the lavvy? :shutup

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How else do you make it to the lavvy? :shutup

With great difficulty! :lol:

I've had it once in my life and that was the only time I got out of bed. It felt like running a mile though, going from my room to the toilet and back knackered me out :wacko:

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Different strains hit you to different degrees. We've all had the shivers and explosions from both ends, but were still able to get things done (with care). And then there are the strains that would have you feverishly swearing on the bible that there never were two clubs at the same time please just make the pain go away!

Shouldn't be out of the house with either of them TBH.

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There's nothing you can take for the cold or flu other than symptom relief. A bit of paracetamol and fluids ain't gonna stop you spreading it about. :huh:

I know what you mean, but people's refusal to even take symptom relief doesn't help. When we used to have a lodger, he was a heavy smoker who was very prone to colds and chest infections, but instead of Taking any meds, he would just sit and cough his guts up, spreading his germs everywhere. He would rather spend every last penny on vodka and fags rather than a bottle of cough medicine.

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I know what you mean, but people's refusal to even take symptom relief doesn't help. When we used to have a lodger, he was a heavy smoker who was very prone to colds and chest infections, but instead of Taking any meds, he would just sit and cough his guts up, spreading his germs everywhere. He would rather spend every last penny on vodka and fags rather than a bottle of cough medicine.

Could you not have either a) spoken to him about this b) given him his month's notice?

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I know what you mean, but people's refusal to even take symptom relief doesn't help. When we used to have a lodger, he was a heavy smoker who was very prone to colds and chest infections, but instead of Taking any meds, he would just sit and cough his guts up, spreading his germs everywhere. He would rather spend every last penny on vodka and fags rather than a bottle of cough medicine.

Would it have been OK if he'd coughed into a tissue?

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When you're quietly having a shite in a public convenience, you know, letting a fart out and a wee jobby when someone uses the handryer and some fucker comes in to the next cubicle and just lets fly. Farts, plops, grunts and groans.

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Is farting acceptable at a urinal? Always wondered if I'd get manhandled if I let rip and wasn't seated.

P&B's good for getting the important answers about life from real manly men, I find.

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How else do you make it to the lavvy? :shutup

If you've got proper flu and are not able to make it to said lavvy a bucket by the bed can be handy for bodily excretions from all orifices. Modern regulations will probably dictate that separate, different coloured, buckets should be used for waste from each orifice. This idea is better if you are lucky enough to have a good lady to empty the bucket(s) every now and again but if you are alone maybe more than 1 bucket will be required.

It was worse in the good old days, at least now if you have to struggle to the lav you don't have to put on a coat, slippers, etc, to go to the outside cludgie.

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Is farting acceptable at a urinal? Always wondered if I'd get manhandled if I let rip and wasn't seated.

P&B's good for getting the important answers about life from real manly men, I find.

Acceptable to a point.

If it's just a run o the mill squeaker then you're fine. Anything bordering on dangerous and you might warrant a reaction (although I doubt there would ever be 'manhandling' - not from the toilets I frequent anyway).

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Is farting acceptable at a urinal? Always wondered if I'd get manhandled if I let rip and wasn't seated.

P&B's good for getting the important answers about life from real manly men, I find.

In some establishments it's positively encouraged. If "manhandling" is what you crave then maybe a diet of sprouts before you go out will help. It will at least increase you chances of meeting that someone special.

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