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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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My mrs always puts the bananas in the fridge and this gives them a hard texture that is unpleasant to bite into. Should be kept in a bowl at room temperature IMO

My missus keeps putting my balsamic vinegar in the fridge. Clearly spoiling for a divorce.

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A girl in the school playground just now decided to be a little shit and block my 4 year old from crossing the wooden play bridge. He tried saying please, her mate, Melissa (had her name embroidered on her school jumper) told her there was a little boy trying to get past her, she just pulled a fucking stupid face and pretended she didn't understand. Melissa repeated "Caitlyn, that wee boy's trying to get past". Caitlyn pulls the same stupid fucking face and makes a stupid fucking noise to go with it. So I step up, tell her that he's asked her three times to let him across so could she please move. She didn't even turn to look at me to give me a mouthful of cheek, throw her arms in the air at "all that space" he could pass before putting her hands back on the rails and blocking the path again. I told Harry to just push his way through and then heard a load of muttered swearing as we walked away to get the older boy.

Anyway, this leads me to a question: when did kids become so fucking dense as to act like little shits when they've made themselves easily identifiable? At least when I was being a wee boot as a kid I made sure I was anonymous.

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A girl in the school playground just now decided to be a little shit and block my 4 year old from crossing the wooden play bridge. He tried saying please, her mate, Melissa (had her name embroidered on her school jumper) told her there was a little boy trying to get past her, she just pulled a fucking stupid face and pretended she didn't understand. Melissa repeated "Caitlyn, that wee boy's trying to get past". Caitlyn pulls the same stupid fucking face and makes a stupid fucking noise to go with it. So I step up, tell her that he's asked her three times to let him across so could she please move. She didn't even turn to look at me to give me a mouthful of cheek, throw her arms in the air at "all that space" he could pass before putting her hands back on the rails and blocking the path again. I told Harry to just push his way through and then heard a load of muttered swearing as we walked away to get the older boy.

Anyway, this leads me to a question: when did kids become so fucking dense as to act like little shits when they've made themselves easily identifiable? At least when I was being a wee boot as a kid I made sure I was anonymous.

How to deal with Caitlyn:

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Had a similar incident at the Fun Factory on Sunday.

Took great pride in telling a wee lassie that she was "a wee shit" "not a very nice person" for calling my daughter something rude (fatty tights, for some reason, she is neither fat, nor was she wearing tights. Actually, maybe she was aiming this insult at me).


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I really wanted to say something about how big and brave she must feel, being a wee bitch to a 4 year old (I'm told by my older boy she's in P5 or 6) or mouthing off at an adult but not being able to look at them while she does it but I thought I should probably go through the proper channels. And there was witnesses.

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I really wanted to say something about how big and brave she must feel, being a wee bitch to a 4 year old (I'm told by my older boy she's in P5 or 6) or mouthing off at an adult but not being able to look at them while she does it but I thought I should probably go through the proper channels. And there was witnesses.

Passive aggressive is the way to go here.

'don't worry harry, you did the right thing by asking but some girls are a bit silly and will probably end up pregnant by 16 and working in burger king'

Only positives come from this.

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Had a similar incident at the Fun Factory on Sunday.

Took great pride in telling a wee lassie that she was "a wee shit" "not a very nice person" for calling my daughter something rude (fatty tights, for some reason, she is neither fat, nor was she wearing tights. Actually, maybe she was aiming this insult at me).

I'm surprised at this post Mozza, doesn't the Court Order ban you from attending any places where children congregate.

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I pass a billboard on the way to work that is currently advertising an Iceland frozen Beef Wellington that looks like pastry stuffed with dog shit.

If that's the best they can make it look for their advert, what the f**k does it actually look like??

Edited by KnightswoodBear
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