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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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When it's a nice bright day in the morning I think "oh it's good outside, I'll just go to school with my shirt and jumper."

And now it's absolutely pissing of rain and I finish in half an hour, meaning I will be fucking drenched by the time I get in.

I did this too :angry:

And then I had to wait on my dad to pick me up after my horrible maths exam in the pouring rain for 10 minutes! :(

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I also did that, but without a jumper, so had to walk up the road in my shirt. You'd think I'd learn, did the very same thing last Friday lunchtime... I was so hacked off I never went back. <_<

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I was a having a kid on boxing match with my (female) friend earlier in the living room and I jokingly invited her to hit me as hard as she could. She took a full strength swing with a clenched fist palm first and put two of my teeth through my lip

Battered by a woman :lol:

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I was a having a kid on boxing match with my (female) friend earlier in the living room and I jokingly invited her to hit me as hard as she could. She took a full strength swing with a clenched fist palm first and put two of my teeth through my lip

Battered by a woman :lol:


Unlucky Fudge. Hope your a hard man playing 5's! :P

People who post-whore :rolleyes::lol:

WHORE! :rolleyes:

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I was a having a kid on boxing match with my (female) friend earlier in the living room and I jokingly invited her to hit me as hard as she could. She took a full strength swing with a clenched fist palm first and put two of my teeth through my lip

Battered by a woman :lol:


I need to buy a car to get me to work but so far i have looked a 6 cars and they are bags of bolts,I have £1000 to spend but i am not finding it easy.

Is the rover deid then? My flatmate is in exactly the same boat. She needs a car, has around a grand to spend, but everything she has looked at has been a wreck, or its been sold already. That said, I got a cracker last month. 1997 1.6 Ford Escort in absolutely fantastic nick! £500 quid, and then a few weeks back he fixed a niggling brake fault and put another years MOT on it for another hundred. So £600 for the best car I've owned by a country mile. I've been lucky. :)

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Why do people insist on taking umbrellas out with them when there are high winds accompanying the swirling rain?

The brollies are turned inside out or broken because of the windspeed, thus leading to the person stupid enough to take their umbrella out getting wet in the first place.

I saw a woman on the way into work battling, that's right, battling with her umbrella as it persistently kept getting blown inside out and it must have taken her the best part of five minutes to get it right, before she braved it again, only to have it blow inside out within seconds.

What is the point to that? An umbrella is used to shield you from the rain, but there's truly no point in having it if it's going to get blown about because of the winds and you end up getting wet anyway.

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Why do people insist on taking umbrellas out with them when there are high winds accompanying the swirling rain?

Agree x100 They are a complete waste of time. I never use them and they should be banned and anybody caught with one sentenced to 10 years penal servitude.Man or women.swing round poke your bloody eye out.Princess St in a light shower is like an obstacle course.

And another thing PAC a Mac. What do they look like. Tourists in Edinburgh wear them by the dozen.!! God.

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This "make the most pages" thread. It's not so much the actual thread that's annoying me, but it means that late at night, when the forum's quite empty, instead of having a few strange and usually funny topics popping up, there's just an inane stream of babble in that one thread. Nobody's sitting about thinking of something to post about, they just lob some nonsensical buggery into that.

I despise posting for the sake of posting :(

Edited by Dunc
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