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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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Yep, infact that's where I got the ones I had on Saturday from.

The Gray Ghost never went in there much, he was a poor kid. Apart from a chippie once a month at the mermaid and shoplifting chewing gum from the Copy, The Gray Ghost never really bought much in Montrose, and very rarely got to go in Frosts. Maybe they just aren't big in Arbroath, because some of The Gray Ghosts family are Arbroath born and bred (The Gray Ghosts family has been traced back to the 1700's, in the Arbroath area), and not once did he encounter a buttery when growing up.

Edited by The Gray Ghost
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The Gray Ghost never went in there much, he was a poor kid. Apart from a chippie once a month at the mermaid and shoplifting chewing gum from the Copy, The Gray Ghost never really bought much in Montrose, and very rarely got to go in Frosts. Maybe they just aren't big in Arbroath, because some of The Gray Ghosts family are Arbroath born and bred (The Gray Ghosts family has been traced back to the 1700's, in the Arbroath area), and not once did he encounter them.

Would have been a bit of a shock tracing your family history only to find out that your great-great-great-great aunt was a salty baked good.

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I just had to explain to Adam what a buttery/rowie/Aberdeen roll was. Worse than that, I had to explain Gaz's "wouldn't it be nice to get on with the neighbours" post. I feel old now.

While we were at my sister's not long back, I was telling her that he didn't know what Roseanne was - the comedy starring Rosanne Barr/Arnold, whatever her name is these days. My sister (who's also older than Adam) looked at him and said "Get out!" :lol:

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Guest The Phoenix

The first recorded literary mention of a buttery is of a street-seller in Arbroath in 1899:

'Between butteries, Rob Roy's, an' turnovers, her basket was weel filled.'

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On one of the shopping channels there was a nice pair of Sennheiser headphones that I really wanted for my I-pod. they were £40, so I wasn't even considering them, then they went for a quid. Gutted!

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On one of the shopping channels there was a nice pair of Sennheiser headphones that I really wanted for my I-pod. they were £40, so I wasn't even considering them, then they went for a quid. Gutted!

Snapped up by Lee, a 16 year old boy from Forfar.

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I'm reading one of those massive "You know you're Scottish when..." lists on Facebook. Now, normally they're fairly pish, but there must be about 500 of these, and I'm on 380, so there's been a few gems so far.

I particularly liked the "Only Scots think "Minutes" is a unit of distance."

"Aye, you go down the road about 5 minutes, then take a right, and its 2 minutes up the hill."

Reading on now, and I just got to this one, which I ashamedly did "lol" at:

"409. You ask directions in Dunfermline and after telling you how to get there they say ''kangarangpal'' and you instantly know what it means."

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On one of the shopping channels there was a nice pair of Sennheiser headphones that I really wanted for my I-pod. they were £40, so I wasn't even considering them, then they went for a quid. Gutted!

you want a set of these :D


edit: image showing up too big so just a link now

Edited by Nocturnal Groove
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I'm reading one of those massive "You know you're Scottish when..." lists on Facebook. Now, normally they're fairly pish, but there must be about 500 of these, and I'm on 380, so there's been a few gems so far.

I particularly liked the "Only Scots think "Minutes" is a unit of distance."

"Aye, you go down the road about 5 minutes, then take a right, and its 2 minutes up the hill."

Reading on now, and I just got to this one, which I ashamedly did "lol" at:

"409. You ask directions in Dunfermline and after telling you how to get there they say ''kangarangpal'' and you instantly know what it means."

Can you link the list? The Gray Ghost is interested.

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