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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I'm bloody well fed up. Two Saturdays in a row, Charlie was away at his Gran's and we got to go out. I feel a bit in the habit now and want to go out again. And I don't feel well, either. I reckon a night on the sauce would be just the thing but I can't. :(

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Guest The Phoenix
I'm bloody well fed up. Two Saturdays in a row, Charlie was away at his Gran's and we got to go out. I feel a bit in the habit now and want to go out again. And I don't feel well, either. I reckon a night on the sauce would be just the thing but I can't. :(

Want me to come over with a huge carryout? :unsure:

I can't as it happens but it's the thought that counts. ;)

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Guest The Phoenix
I've a bottle of Archers in my kitchen. I knew you were ace, but I didn't realise how great you were! :D


I guessing Adam hasn't got anything tucked away?

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Guest The Phoenix


Get him to put one of your dresses on (again) and he can sip the Archers.*

*Assuming you're not going to be a greedy little girl.

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Get him to put one of your dresses on (again) and he can sip the Archers.*

*Assuming you're not going to be a greedy little girl.

It's ok, I can share. There's also a bottle of Bailey's with a hint of creme caramel, so as long as he's prepared to have a manicure as well, he can drink as much as he likes.

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Guest The Phoenix
It's ok, I can share. There's also a bottle of Bailey's with a hint of creme caramel, so as long as he's prepared to have a manicure as well, he can drink as much as he likes.

I quite like Bailey's.

Throw in a pedicure as well and I'm on my way over. :D

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The phrase "car crash interwebbery" is starting to get on my tits. It was good at first, but then it became a bandwagon to be leapt upon, the horse has been well and truly flogged despite dying months ago.

Totally agree.

I remember when an argument was brewing on here a while ago, and there were various posters posting, amongst others, the following;

"This should be good"

"I'll get the popcorn in"

"Prefer Doritos myself"

"Budge up, this is getting good"

I wanted to be sick on my own face out of sheer cringeworthiness.

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Totally agree.

I remember when an argument was brewing on here a while ago, and there were various posters posting, amongst others, the following;

"This should be good"

"I'll get the popcorn in"

"Prefer Doritos myself"

"Budge up, this is getting good"

I wanted to be sick on my own face out of sheer cringeworthiness.


Too true.

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8 year olds that decide it would be a good idea to paint a picture without asking then doing so in their bedroom without putting down any newspaper and then getting fucking paint all over the carpet :angry:

aside from the obvious naughtyness/breach of proper painting protocol that's quite creative. its not the crime that gets punished its the cover up when its discovered. was there a cover up?

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Ex and the kids have gone to Cyprus for a fortnight.

Flat is a tip - Evie hasn't been in touch like she promised, I couldn't get my tattoo finished as Matt and the boys were to busy - happy things haven't happened. I'm pished off! :(

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aside from the obvious naughtyness/breach of proper painting protocol that's quite creative. its not the crime that gets punished its the cover up when its discovered. was there a cover up?

Well, he came downstairs, stood with, I have to say a very lovely painting and said "mum, dad I've painted you a picture" and stood holding it out for us to see. It was very nice but dripping with paint, that's when the realisation that he had been in his bedroom and hadn't mentioned that he was painting kicked in. I asked if he had got any on the carpet to which he answered no but that was much too quick if you know what I mean. Then he looked at the ground and said "well, maybe". When I went to look he had placed his magazine on top of it :lol:

I'm fairly sure I've been reading about this "8 year old" for at least two years...

Eh no, just since November :rolleyes:

Edited by Ayrgirl
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Totally agree.

I remember when an argument was brewing on here a while ago, and there were various posters posting, amongst others, the following;

"This should be good"

"I'll get the popcorn in"

"Prefer Doritos myself"

"Budge up, this is getting good"

I wanted to be sick on my own face out of sheer cringeworthiness.

That doesn't bother me quite so much, it's the use of "Car crash interwebbery" like some new, hip and wacky phrase and the way kids seem to fight to use it all the time.

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There is a thread about it being the 6th year anniversary of Marc Vivien Foe's death in the Misc Football section. I obviously don't want to see anyone dying (especially a young man) but I hate mindless R.I.P ing.

He was a medicore player with an undetermined character, yet he has morphed into a 'great players and a great guy' in the last 6 years.

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Whilst driving up to Arbroath today to spend the weekend in the bosom of my family, I was perturbed to see that the Welcome To Dundee signs with the Beano style lettering, which I always found most pleasing, have been replaced with new deadly dull ones. I do not care for these new signs one little bit.

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