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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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The touch screen is because its relevant to her work, the widescreen is because a touchscreen on its own is a bit of a pain in the neck, and the other two are greed. Its a thing of beauty though!

Bloody code monkeys. :P

Edited by renton
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Im on a single monitor decrepit wreck due to my main laptop being the subject of a massive squabble between me and Toshiba. :(

nick one of hers, call it a strtegic redistribution of research materials.

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pishing with rain here,i had to eat my dinner inside for thr first time in 10 days and not sitting outside looking at beautiful scenery :(

Its not raining here. :P

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pishing with rain here,i had to eat my dinner inside for thr first time in 10 days and not sitting outside looking at beautiful scenery :(

The rain has now reached Sweden along with thunder and lightning. Which is actually a RTBC as it's no longer clamy outside.

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The burds birthday is on the same day as Peterhead away.

HELP! :(

We will get pumped anyway, I wouldn't worry about it. Thinking of actually going to this game myself, doubt there will even be a bus, will there?

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Bring her to peterhead and pump her in the toilets.

Think I'll elbow Peterhead. I'd just be going up for a piss up and we could do that in Glasgow anyway

We will get pumped anyway, I wouldn't worry about it. Thinking of actually going to this game myself, doubt there will even be a bus, will there?

There will be aye. Kev Thacker runs the Glasgow Branch these days, I help out sometimes too. Will be around the £12 a skull mark

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