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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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You may miss out on the banter, but you'd have a cheaper and arguably better console with regards to game-play (can of worms just opened there :P ).

Its the same thing with the buttons in slightly different places with different labels. Plus you'd be playing it on your own with no friends, so you would still miss out on the banter. Don't listen to Exuberant, he doesn't know what life is like out on tha streets.

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I saw a superb sleepsuit for Charlie earlier in H&M. It was a Superman outfit. They only had ones going up to 6 months and then one from 12-18 months though. :(

I got it today. :D

Edit: This should really be a RTBC, but this post was in this thread so I just replied to it.

Edited by Lyn-Marie
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PS3 online. My mates more or less spend all day on the damn thing. Even worse, when we're out, half the banter is about COD and how they "betty" each other etc. Sad fucks. I end up a little left out.

If P&B can get a fund together to buy me one, I'll stop posting pish as often :P

My mates do that as well. I probably am worse than them at playing PS3 a lot(and I mean a lot!) but I never really got in to CoD and don't get the "banter". :(

You should get a PS3 though. ;)

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