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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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What if she doesn't allow it though?

This is what I'm getting at, I want a simple answer on what happens if this woman - Mother Earth, the 'Maiden' or whoever - decides, as all women do, that you're not playing ball, so to speak. XBL killing slugs for example. What's going to happen to him?

If you really want to know, PM me when I have some time to explain the Pagan concepts to you. Or, failing that, come and enjoy our next Sabbat - Samhain!

Who's birthday? :rolleyes::P

I kid.

M'kay, they'll most likely be on tomorrow.

And I'm sure you'll get a reply. ;)

Give him a boot up the arse and tell him to let me know what him a R are planning. If I'm not wanted, I'll understand, but I'd still like to get a gift and a card sorted. it's 1st September and there's not much time left! ;)

That's just a euphemism for 'have a w**k', isn't it?

Did that this morning. :P

I quite often think the concept of religion is a selfish one.

Er, what's wrong with being a good person for the sake of being a good person?

That's what Paganism is about. "An It Harm None, Do What Ye Will" - that's not a license to be a knob, but if whatever you do doesn't hurt anyone or anything, carry on - providing it enriches you and/or someone else.

Now, any more Pagan queries - PM me, because even I can get tired and stressed and, whilst I am more than happy to answer your questions, even I need some sleep.

Blessed Be and may whatever Gods or Goddesses watch over you, I wish you a restful night.

Merry Meet, Merry Part and Merry Meet Again.


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One thing I can actually get on board with, in a sense, is Karma.

Not in a "If you're not a bad b*****d, Mother Earth will give you a blowie" type idea, but more in the sense that "if you're decent to folk, folk are decent to you." I quite like the idea that if you're actions are borne of good intention, then people will think of you as someone who acts in a decent manner and treat you as such.

Not so keen on the whole "It's good energy" part of it. It's not energy.

Again, it's a decent enough moral, that's been wrapped up in a fairy story.

That's not karma, that's just common deceny and mutual respect.

E. Frame - debunking another religious nonsense in 1 line.

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That's what Paganism is about. "An It Harm None, Do What Ye Will" - that's not a license to be a knob, but if whatever you do doesn't hurt anyone or anything, carry on - providing it enriches you and/or someone else.

Thats not Paganism, thats just being nice to people. You don't need to wrap that up in a bow of mystical pish.

Edited, yeah! What E. Frame said above.

Edited by xbl
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That's what Paganism is about.

No it's not, it's very much (as you have been describing it) "I'll be a good person, because the Mother Goddess is watching me". It's not like what I said at all.

The more I think about it, the more I'm annoyed at that pagan website trying to claim fractal geometry is a new concept used to illustrate the similarities between mystics and scientists. Leave my maths alone :angry:

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If you really want to know, PM me when I have some time to explain the Pagan concepts to you. Or, failing that, come and enjoy our next Sabbat - Samhain!

I tend not to go to things I can't pronounce.

Fair enough, if you can't explain it, that's fine. It's the same as most religions. As soon as a simple question is asked about the actual workings, the answer is generally fluff and nonsense if there is one at all.

It just seems a bit sad to me that you need Goddesses, candles, special unpronouncable days, etc etc, just for the purposes of having a bit of decency that most of us have anyway.

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You always been a Pagan, Kilt, or is this just a recent thing?

Since 1982 when I met a beautiful (and sadly late - inoperable brain tumour) White Witch who guided me to my own path. Her daughter, Tilly, organises the coven I used to belong to and keeps her mum's traditions alive! :)

Kilt's been posting for ages, anyone want a game of 'Smiley Bingo' before the post appears.

Eyes down.

I was typing as fast as I could FFS! :P


I'm off to sleep.

Goodnight all! :D

Night, Night mate. Don't forget to give that lazy son of mine a boot up the backside tomrrow! ;)

Blessed Be, Peace and Love All. I'm off too.......may you Gods and Goddesses watch over you!

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Since 1982 when I met a beautiful White Witch who guided me to my own path.

Fair play to have lasted that long believing in what is, essentially, utter nonsense. I take it you were at a low point in your life at that stage? I know Berwick had just been recently relegated back to the 2nd Division around then (went down with us, I believe).

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I was dragged away from an easy and painless winch tonight by a mate who deicided to indulge me in the deepest problems of his love life instead. Should I go with someone who I don't want to shag until they break up? Dear me, the fucking choices eh?

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Guest The Phoenix
I believe now is a good time to go to bed... I've got a strange feeling this thread is about to take a turn for the worse.

See me, I'm fecking psychic. :D

Cross my palm with silver gold and I will look into the future and protect you from evil.

Just think of me as a white phoenix.

Piece and Korma to you all.

Brian Blessed Be.

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See me, I'm fecking psychic. :D

Cross my palm with silver gold and I will look into the future and protect you from evil.

Just think of me as a white phoenix.

Piece and Korma to you all.

Brian Blessed Be.

Dae ye ken the lottery numbers fur tonight, mister? :P

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