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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I thought you worshipped all the weather that the Goddess deemed right to bring us as it replenishes and feeds and all that nonsense.

Stop bloody moaning. :P


Answer that yin, ya kilted goon.

Sorry for the delay in responding, I was on my way to/in Starbucks when you posted.

I love the rain and am grateful that it replenishes the earth and noursihes the plant-life. I have even been known to go swimming in the rain as it's a really natural and sensual experience/feeling and refreshes your spirit.

On the down side, sharing a bus with twenty to thirty other damp, humid humans leaves you smelling of wet dog and feeling awkwardly 'moist' in an unpleasant way. Whilst I appreciate the rain, there is a time and a place to celebrate its benificence and the Number 38 bus to Glasgow is not condusive to an harmonious and enriching experience. ;)

Also my tattoo seems to hurt more today than it did getting it done yesterday :(
That's a sure sign that you've contracted Hepatitis.
It'll subside in a few days.

Unless you're one of the unlucky folk who gets a reaction to the tattoo and finds that the area which has been tattooed swells up for about a week, in which case see your GP who will be able to advise you of the best way to treat it ;)

All the best, and remember to keep it dry for a week and moisture it several times a day ;)

Don't listen to him, he's on the wind up - at least apart from that last bit. I see you're moisturising - good girl! ;) (Realises this is highly patronising and duly await the internet boot to the baws in due course! :rolleyes: )

They'll swap it for you if you take it back, I'm sure.

It's Forfar - souveniers are made to order; it's a cottage industry. He'll have to wait weeks if they agree to a replacement and old widow McDougal will be in deep trouble for not using a strong enough melted-cow-foot-glue to stick the sponsors logo on.

Honestly Pete, you just don't think these things through, do you! <_<:rolleyes:

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It's Forfar - souveniers are made to order; it's a cottage industry. He'll have to wait weeks if they agree to a replacement and old widow McDougal will be in deep trouble for not using a strong enough melted-cow-foot-glue to stick the sponsors logo on.

Honestly Pete, you just don't think these things through, do you! <_<:rolleyes:

we'll have less of your shenanigans, old timer

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All things are relative, Old Timer.

Aye, fair point Grandad! ;)

There's no point. I just can't be arsed, there is literally no point of me doing it.

And it enrages the rest of my class who actually need to pass, which is rather hilarious. :lol:

Och, I tried to help but........good luck for tomorrow, brainbox! :rolleyes:

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Guest The Phoenix
There appears to be a James Bond film on the television. I think that makes it bedtime. <_<

With you all the way on that L-M.

JB films are beyond tedious.

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Every time I download a new version of iTunes, it deletes everything that's there. Music, TV shows and games - that I've I've bought off the iTunes store, plus all the CD's I upload onto it. Why?

I now need to add all the music from my documents back onto iTunes, which get's rid of the play counts. All my play-lists have been deleted too. <_<

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