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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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What a load of tosh, It is one of the few books I actually enjoyed reading.

I thought it was awful. I think the point of the whole thing must've just spectacularly flew past me.

I thought that it seemed like it was rushed, there was very little development of any of the characters (except the robot), and the storyline just seemed to be a bit... lacking. Maybe if I read the rest of the books I'd appreciate it more, but the first one just doesn't standalone well, for me.

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I thought it was awful. I think the point of the whole thing must've just spectacularly flew past me.

I thought that it seemed like it was rushed, there was very little development of any of the characters (except the robot), and the storyline just seemed to be a bit... lacking. Maybe if I read the rest of the books I'd appreciate it more, but the first one just doesn't standalone well, for me.

Yeah, IIRC the second book answers a lot of questions remaining from the first and IMHO I think is the better book. I'm a big fan of the HHGTTG series. I think you just have to get the humor, which is not to everybody's taste.

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Have you read it a second time though? I have to agree with Dunc. Its a terrible read. I have no idea why its so highly rated.

I havn't read it in ages and I did read the first two books twice. I did read it when I was about 13-14ish. I have to admit I did enjoy the first two books, very much so, and to an extent the start of the third. I did find the plot get seriously confusing by the third book and gave up by the start of the fourth book. I really am a terrible reader though, the last book I read was Slaughterhouse V, and that was four years a go, so my opinion doesn't really count... the 80's TV series is a classic, the film is shite...

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I think my lizard is dead..
I have. I flashed it's lights, threw salad at it, nudged it with it's wooden play thing and tapped it's glass.. Non responsive.

That sucks dude. My rat, Rambo, isn't looking too hot these days. He's 3 now and they generally live for 2-4 years so he's old and slow and rarely does anything but sleep now and look worn out. I'm pretty worried that I'm going to look in his cage one day soon and he'll be dead.

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