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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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My ex wife has fucked off down to england with 30 minutes notice and left my kids with no money or grub in the house,Selfish selfish cow how can you leave your kids at xmas whatever their age.

Good grief! Hope you managed to get it sorted out.

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well the folks are having a barnie in the living room, my wee bro's fucked off to a party with some of his bebo/tagged bitches and I look like a fucking lobster after swimming in the sea and not putting any sunscreen on.

At least the BBQ went well <_<

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My friend proposed to his girlfriend today.

Before you start, no. It isn't sweet. It isn't lovely. It's fucking stupid. I knew he was desperate, but I didn't think he was this bad. He doesn't even like her!

I'm finished with him now. I don't think I can be friends with someone so blatantly stupid.

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On Wednesday night from 11.00 till 6.30 Thursday morning, Real Radio ripping the complete and utter arse out of playing Christmas songs. It was fucking ridiculous.

How many plays did this years xmas no 1 get? It's been conspicuous by its absence from many playlists this wk I feel.

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Guest The Phoenix
My friend proposed to his girlfriend today.

Before you start, no. It isn't sweet. It isn't lovely. It's fucking stupid. I knew he was desperate, but I didn't think he was this bad. He doesn't even like her!

I'm finished with him now. I don't think I can be friends with someone so blatantly stupid.

Bit harsh.

How many pals would you have if the reverse applied?

Merry Christmas. :D

My wee ones not well and isn't interested in his presents. He's just sat and dozed on and off all day :(

Same as my Dad!!

Give him a cuddle from his Uncle Phoenix, that'll help.

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Bit harsh.

How many pals would you have if the reverse applied?

Merry Christmas. :D

It does seem harsh, but when you know what I know, it really isn't. Quite a number of people agree with me as well.

Oh well, I'm over it. It's his life to f**k up!

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Every member of my family is asleep and the TV is shite so I'm having to try and alleviate my boredom by posting on here. Looks like everyone is away enjoying their Christmas day however. Bah humbug etc etc etc........

Not me. I've been hiding away playing some Pro Evo.

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Apparently, that emoticon is harmful to my computer. :huh:

Aah, I got it from the Albion site, which is currently showing as being an 'at risk' site when using Firefox. There's nowt wrong, MIF's just got to sort out the code. I'll take the emoticon off in the meantime. Pity, as it's a beaut.

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