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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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I'd probably really like an iPhone, but I can't get one. Chiefly because I'm rookit and it's an expensive bit of gear.

But, also, because I'm one of these people who can't stand stuff like that (I suppose it's taken from my Dad, and his mobile phone scepticism) and I'll spend ages slagging off all this new technology, until I actually see it work and become incredibly jealous. I can't get one though, because I'd hate to be seen as a hypocrite!

I have to wait until the next generation of stuff is out, like phones that are also tellys and cars and girlfriends, before I can get one that plays music :(

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Please never ever ever use this in a Tesco Petrol Station. Causes wayyy more hassle than it's worth. For both parties, you as a customer wanting out quickly and me as the c**t that's got to serve you.

well yeah, the instructions say you shouldn't get the customer service assistant to use it since it would involve giving them your phone. I have key fobs for that.

having been on the serving side of these transactions I hardly ever 1. need a hand packing. 2. pay by cash. 3. use my clubcard/nectar card/ morrison thingy ever -I also kill chat quite quickly since I know the chat is the biggest pain of the gig, well it was for me.

it is quite good fun at the self service aisle though.

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I have just been on the phone for about half an hour, making it easily my longest call in the last decade. I use my phone so infrequently that my arm now hurts from being in an unusual position (i.e. holding my phone to my ear). Ow!:(

Still love my phone though, even though I don't like using phones, and that comes from someone who fears change.

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I have just been on the phone for about half an hour, making it easily my longest call in the last decade. I use my phone so infrequently that my arm now hurts from being in an unusual position (i.e. holding my phone to my ear). Ow!:(

Still love my phone though, even though I don't like using phones, and that comes from someone who fears change.

My last three phone calls are 0:36, 0:40 and 1:03.

Stupid blabbering Mum taking me over the minute mark with her rambling request for milk. Just fucking ask me to get milk, there's no need for all the nonsense.

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I thought you had a girlfriend?

I do, but I live with her. In fact, she's not really one for phonecalls anyway. She tends to text instead, or if she's out and she knows I'm at home, she sends me Facebook messages, which is definitely one of the things that make me jealous of those with "smartphones". It's basically a text, but it costs f**k all (except whatever your internet charges are, obviously).

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I do, but I live with her. In fact, she's not really one for phonecalls anyway. She tends to text instead, or if she's out and she knows I'm at home, she sends me Facebook messages, which is definitely one of the things that make me jealous of those with "smartphones". It's basically a text, but it costs f**k all (except whatever your internet charges are, obviously).

You can't keep fearing change, you should embrace it! I've got unlimited internet. Its fucking awesome. See, when it comes to stuff like this, normally I'd engage in some sort of manliness contest where I state that my phonecalls are three seconds long, and I only answer while also chainsawing trees, but sadly, I've been on the phone FAR too much of late.:(

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People who say "That's why they call it..." when it's completely inappropriate.

Something normal like (bizarre example ahoy!) "Hey, that elf is fucking tiny!", "Yeah, that's why they call him Santa's Little Helper" is fine. I can see the logic there, it's clear.

But I was just watching Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares, and he complained that some crap chef's nachos were too bland or some shit, and the chef says, "Yeah, that's why them call them nachos, what can you do with nachos?"

What? Why's why they call them nachos? If they were called "blandos" you'd have a fucking point, but they're not, so take off your stupid fucking hat and get back to making that man some fucking dinner, you gobshite moron.

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You can't keep fearing change, you should embrace it! I've got unlimited internet. Its fucking awesome. See, when it comes to stuff like this, normally I'd engage in some sort of manliness contest where I state that my phonecalls are three seconds long, and I only answer while also chainsawing trees, but sadly, I've been on the phone FAR too much of late.:(

I can't really afford change at the moment :( In fact, I'm going to have to have a massive change and not drink for a month to try and save some money.

I've spent something ridiculous on drink this week, and I've not even been properly drunk at any point. It has to stop :(

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I can't really afford change at the moment :( In fact, I'm going to have to have a massive change and not drink for a month to try and save some money.

I've spent something ridiculous on drink this week, and I've not even been properly drunk at any point. It has to stop :(

I'm off the drink at the moment. I realised in midweek that I've been out drinking every single weekend since New Year, and I can't afford it! At 3am last Saturday night/Sunday morning, I was out on the streets of Belfast in the snow, blootered out of my skull, watching people dressed in pink adult sized onsies jump on an old mattress they'd found somewhere, and I didn't think that was odd. I've seen things that no man should see! So I'm having a few quiet weeks to get my health and money back under control.

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I got bored of drinking about 2 years ago so cut down massively. It had just become a weekly habit which was enjoyable to an extent but I decided the hangovers and cost weren't worth it. I now probably drink once every 3 or 4 weeks and find that i really look forward to it and enjoy it much more.

Health wise, it has done me a power of good as well.

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