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Petty Things That Get On Your Nerves...

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19 minutes ago, BFTD said:

Today, it's my mother.

She's been telling me for years that her doctor's surgery is terrible. She's got a variety of serious health conditions that need to be monitored regularly, and she sees several different consultants to see if any adjustments need to be made in her treatments or medications. She's been telling me for ages that the surgery constantly fucks up her prescription requests, refusing to give her the drugs she needs until she gets the consultant who prescribed them to call and chew them out, and she's had multiple times when she was supposed to receive daily visits from a nurse, only for them never to show up.

I get to hear her moan about this every time we talk, and she's always determined that "this time they're going to be in trouble". I've been telling her for years that she needs to switch to another practice, but she's always got an excuse for why it's not a good time to do it. I've offered to go in and talk to them myself, but she won't have it; it's her business, she'll handle it. She moved to a new area more than a year ago, and is still registered at this damned practice. I got her the forms to fill out for a different surgery, which apparently she has done, but always has a reason why she hasn't handed them in (usually that she'll do it just as soon as the old surgery deals with this one last thing). I've offered to take them myself; no dice.

She was supposed to be turning in the forms this week. Today I call to check up on her, and she hasn't, of course. I then get a lengthy rant about how she doesn't have some of her heart medications because her GP has decided she doesn't need them again, so she's going to call the hospital on Monday and get the consultant to call them, and that this time, THIS time, they're absolutely going to be in trouble and someone will sort them out. Just radiant with the idea that she's going to get revenge on this practice.

I lost the place and told her, yet again, that nothing happened all the other times that incidents like this occurred, so it won't happen now. What's going to happen is that, if she continues to stay there, they're going to kill her. Maybe someone will get in trouble for it, maybe not, but she'll be dead and won't know either way, and she'll be partially responsible because she's let this carry on for so long. I've tried laying it out as plainly this before but I wouldn't let it go this time.

As a result, I'm now the bad guy - she's not going to listen to me because I've made bad decisions myself before, so my opinion isn't valid, and she'll do what she pleases. She's not speaking to me; unfortunately, she's always been prone to childish behaviour like this, and once went six months without talking to me because (as it turned out) she hadn't liked my tone during an argument that was so minor that she couldn't even remember what it was about. I got used to leaving her to it until she forgot she wasn't happy with me, but she's at an age now where that's not really an option.

So what do you think, Reddit P&B - am I the asshole arsehole? (I'm not expecting an answer, I'm just fucking seething about this and it's either post on here or find a dug to kick, and I like dugs)

It's a tough one mate. A lot of this sort of thing stems purely from the fact that, as people get older, they start to avoid/fear change to their routine and what they have always known and felt comfortable/safe with.

Your mum's situation definitely sounds like change and overhaul is needed to get her the best medical care she wants and needs. Getting her to commit to that change is the hard part when she's so set in her ways and used to just accepting her lot. In short, I really sympathise with your situation,  but unless you actually have real concerns that her current setup is an actual danger to her health and life expectancy, sometimes it's just as easy to appease and agree with them, and let them make their own decisions in their own time.

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45 minutes ago, Oystercatcher said:

Nicki manage is the lead story on news at ten. Of all the things happening in the world.....

I call her Nicki John McVeigh is a tit

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7 hours ago, carpetmonster said:

I’ve just encountered the sticky-on bottle cap for the first time. I get why folks think they’re annoying. 



Pair of scissors every time as a stand against authority 

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3 hours ago, dagane said:

Pair of scissors every time as a stand against authority 

I've gotten used to the positioning now so I can live with the attached lid. (I still think it's an entirely stupid idea. I mean, really; so they can be recycled with the bottle? Were we not gonna meet our Climate Change CO2 lowering/upwards recycling levels because of... bottle lids??) 

What I now find worse is that when you twist the lid off, the tiny bits that were holding it on are now left poking into space/your upper lip. That annoys me much more than bending a lid back now.

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28 minutes ago, Shandon Par said:

Laid low just now after being felled by a head shot by one of those keybox things people have outside airbnbs. Quite complicated to explain how. 

Have you considered that you did something to piss the world off?

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3 hours ago, BFTD said:

Have you considered that you did something to piss the world off?

God is a Falkirk fan.. albeit he's done a Job on them the last few seasons. 

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21 hours ago, 'WellDel said:

An absolute money making scam if you've been doing the work for a long time. Used to have to do it in my old job and you could take the same module/course every time (e.g. tachograph rules), fail the test at the end of it miserably (deliberately so if you were so inclined, just to prove a point), yet it wouldn't matter a jot if you had 'grandfather rights'. Just so long as you rack up the requisite number of classroom hours over the rolling 5 year period. Shambles.

A good idea for folk coming into driving as a new career to learn all the rules and regs, but a waste of time and money for those who've been doing it for years.

I fell asleep during one module. The guy next to me woke me up when I started snoring.
I wasn’t particularly tired, but the combination of the stuffy room and the incessant monotone drone of the ‘lecturer’ (as he liked to call himself) sent me off. 
30 minutes later I was asleep again. 

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People who go to a mass attendance event (big team found), for instance today's Edinburgh Marathon, and think "That's the ideal place to take my dogs/a pram/all of the above".  They just make an already congested space even worse, though thankfully virtually every one of them today had a face on them that said "Why did I reckon this was a good idea?"

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When barbers do the whole "is everything OK?" bit with the mirror as if it's finished but then continue to cut bits away for another few minutes.

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On 26/05/2024 at 16:46, oldbitterandgrumpy said:

I fell asleep during one module. The guy next to me woke me up when I started snoring.
I wasn’t particularly tired, but the combination of the stuffy room and the incessant monotone drone of the ‘lecturer’ (as he liked to call himself) sent me off. 
30 minutes later I was asleep again. 

Carbon dioxide build-up is something else. I've been in rooms with CO sensors lately and, if everyone starts feeling drowsy, it always turns out that the sensor has tripped and we need to start opening doors and windows. Absolutely fine within half an hour.

Makes me wonder how many days fighting sleep at school were just down to the sealed environment.

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When you think someone in front of you that is using the bank machine is finished they take out another card and continue to use it, getting a statement, looking at it for what seems like an age, then gets money from it. They then take forever to put said card and money into their wallet/purse before moving on. 

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2 hours ago, BFTD said:

Carbon dioxide build-up is something else. I've been in rooms with CO sensors lately and, if everyone starts feeling drowsy, it always turns out that the sensor has tripped and we need to start opening doors and windows. Absolutely fine within half an hour.

Makes me wonder how many days fighting sleep at school were just down to the sealed environment.

You were in better insulated classrooms than I was.

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Posted (edited)
24 minutes ago, Loonytoons said:

You were in better insulated classrooms than I was.

Flashbacks of maths classes at Lasswade pre-2000. You didn't have to open the doors to walk through them! The new block wasn't much better but the complete opposite, sure they got the designs drawn up by Goebbels' grandson... On the plus side, you could leave a packet if biscuits in there for a year and they still be crunchy. Tuppaware were apparently interested in the new design

Edited by Spyro
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When did motor racing commentators change from cars "crossing the start/finish line" to "cutting the timing beam"? Seems to be a new thing that's infecting all series' of racing 

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Buy something on Amazon, about 2 days after it arrives you then get a months worth of emails advising you of other options for the thing you just got.

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